Karumina [English, splendid!], by Ohtomo Takuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

–Update: good news, that post is now obsolete. It’s part of Katekano from now on :)


Haaa, this is fapworthy, brothers, sisters, I strongly recommend you that one =)

Carmina is a spin-off of Katekano, but knowledge of that other one is not necessary, it’s simply about a horny infatigable young man being recruited as a private teacher in a family of dark-skinnned women. At first, the mother (in all her MILF glory, large breasts, self-confidence, splendid body), and then, her twin daughters (petite, small breasts, thin, cute hair). And they looked GREAT!! :twisted:
The male hero doesn’t care, he’s a simple man, he sees a pussy, he thrusts his dick and ejaculates. Since the women love it, he doesn’t feel the need to question his life :roll:

This was released by Happy Merchants, thank you very much! :jap:

For more, see The list of all my Takuji/Ohtomo Takuji/Number2 shares!

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9 years ago

Not much else to be said about today's protagonist, except THIS:

<img src="http://memedad.com/memes/706771.jpg&quot; />

9 years ago

I wanna more new Hot Mother manga…come with that

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
9 years ago

I should take up tutoring career.

Stalker Fairy
Stalker Fairy
9 years ago

Its a semi-sequel actually. You see in the first page and it implies the ending of Katekano

…..and this just reaffirms my hatred for the mother in Katekano

9 years ago

Great one, what’s better than one tanned blonde girl? Two, of course!

Btw Oliver, my Tit Translation Project is moving along at a break neck pace! I’ve for two more works translated since the last one, one Itou Eight one that’s got a nice busty woman in it, and one about two teenagers that’s very lovely and tender… i think you will like especially the second one!


http://g.e-hentai.org/g/856303/39c24aa3e0/ http://g.e-hentai.org/g/856398/00cf4c731e/

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Steven_Even

Nice, thank you :D

Oh, something, you left a "your" for "you're" on page 7 of the mermaid story, in the upper-right.

I read those two ones half an hour ago, and they were GREAT, I'm definitely sharing them, thanks again man ^^

9 years ago

Oh, thanks for the head’s up, I’ll be more careful with them in the upcoming releases! I don’t edit the work myself, I just translate so, it’s hard for me to fix but, I’ll be more careful with proofreading in the future!

Glad you appreciated them, after all, that’s what My Tits Translation Project is all about, to supply the world with some quality hentai ( ^_^)

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Steven_Even

I wondered about something, is there a reason you put no credit picture in the Itou Eight one ? I actually already prepared my share for that one, and I copy-pasted your credit pic inside, I hope that's not a bad move, on second thought…

Did you also by chance remove some censorship bars ? Or did they really come censorship-free out of the box on some pages ? :D

9 years ago

He's had various random people from 4chan do the editing so the editor this time around just forgot or didn't know about the credit page. Also the censorship is minimal since that chapter was done on the tankobon scans which have unusually little censorship, even for a tank release.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Dynellen

"even for a tank release. "

Especially when you compare it to recent tanks T___T

But I'm getting your point, thanks for the clarifications, Dynellen and Steven :)

9 years ago

It’s as the poster above says, I only translate, others edit, so the quality of editing/content can sometimes vary, but I hope it still is overall good : )
Thanks for adding the credit page anyway, I hope to use it somewhat as my “calling card” to get more people to jon the cause.

And yeah, raws are from the tank! :)

Schwiggity Schwooty
Schwiggity Schwooty
9 years ago

Takuji!! Thanks Oliver. :)