Netoraserare volume 2 [English, 219 pictures], by Shikishiro Konomi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 62 comments

Friends, brace yourselves, if you detested from the bottom of your heart the first volume of Netoraserare, loathed the husband who can only get hard when his wife is cheating on him and his heart is torn apart, who makes disgusting faces you’d like to erase (preferably with a metal chair unless a chainsaw is also available), if you felt his wife is nothing short of a shit for brains with a wet cunt only able to follow suit in his rotten game… Well, you’re going to have more of it, lol.
Fair disclaimer, I think the series is over, but I have no certainty at all. Maybe there are 20 more volumes in the wait, o the fun we’ll have with them!!!

–Update: my bad, the series wasn’t over, there was a volume 3, and that last one is final.

Graphically, sadly, even with the whiteout censorship, this is good enough, I can’t just discard the manga as a total pile of shit, the drawings (except for the husband’s face) are quite nice with an artful feeling.
And, ah, allright, I can be a bit honest and recognize there is a real psychological dimension to the manga. That doesn’t change my disgust and dislike, but I cannot pretend the manga is just a shallow shitty shell.
Credits are for Icebarrier18 from SeinenXScans, GGXRE AKA DutchRabbit, Sands, Nobody Does and K-Slice, thanks for the effort.

By the same artist, and this time this is stuff that I approve, I also share Fushigi H To School Girl (172 pictures), and Netoraserare volume 1 and volume 3.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(370 MB, 219 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
Some images were huge, others were poorly compressed, all in all I managed to save a good deal of space, from 370 MB to only 82 MB. How it was done: the images below 1601 px were recompressed, the ones above 1600 px were shrunk back to 1600 px, I’ll use it as a chance to remind you I made an ACD See and Xnview reprocessing guide, these are the tools I use when no retouching is needed.
The zip shrunk to 82 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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9 years ago

Another huge disappointment overall imo. Is there any news on a followup to this?

the crow
the crow
9 years ago
Reply to  maxdecarus

you just said you're disappointed yet you ask if there is a follow up!? dude..

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  the crow

Maybe he hopes to see the story get better somehow.

I have no idea if this is over or if there will be a sequel, sorry :o

9 years ago

****SPOILER**** it does say " to be continued" at the end. I just think it's hilarious that just when you think she was netorared away she is netorared back. Or reversed netorared?

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  annonymous

Oh, damn! I didn't see it :(

As for the qualification, how about netorareified ?

9 years ago

Wow, with this kind of review NTR fans must be having a blast with this one. It even got animated.

Also "complete shit" tag. i`ve never seen that one before.

9 years ago
Reply to  Umbal

That just means you weren't around during the "glorious" days, when users were able to tag the mangas by themselves.
Believe me, there were even crazier and funnier tags. Not always accurate or justified, but playing some kinda "Tag-War" offered fun in itself, or so it seemed.

"complete shit" tags were handed out to those mangas which truly earned them. I just remember that one story with the amazing island tradition of gang-raping the newly wed wife during her wedding reception, in front of her new hubby. Add in the fact the wife was a traditional shrine maiden, who had a christian wedding (including a priest) at her shinto shrine.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  guest

In Japanese mangas, islanders are really fucked up, in general, yeah.

I had to end this tagging system because
– bots would spam tag tons of posts with meds names, or with randomly-generated apparently strings (no idea why, we're talking about +1000 tags a week in average, can you imagine the amount of time it took to remove them ?)
– those tag wars, however funny they may be, had this other disadvantage of removing perfectly informative and valid tags, while visitors could be legitimately annoyed to see a dozen unrelevant tags added below the posts

9 years ago
Reply to  guest

The real question that needs answering right now is that 'What's the name of that island tradition manga?!' I can't sleep not reading about it now. =(

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Gin-san

I suggest you search Hentairules for the term "Napalm".

And I'm not even kidding, lol, when I suggest to bomb a place with napalm, it means I'm slightly pissed off :D

9 years ago

Tried ‘napalm’ but it didn’t show the “island tradition, gang raping wife”

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Gin-san

Ah, damn, then I don't know. I'll comment again if I remember :/

9 years ago
Reply to  guest

Yeah. That`s possible. I lived 1 year without internet because reasons. Only a stash of unread hentai kept me going..

9 years ago
Reply to  guest

OH god How about the one where a teacher asks the girl to see him during lunch just before she confesses to the guy. fast forward to him coming home and he gets gassed and kidnapped and tied up and forced to watch through the teacher fuck her well after she had been mind broken because he had been fucking her since he forced her away at lunch. And while he fucks her silly he makes her confess. It had such great art and would have been top 5 all time for me if it wasn't for the retardedly fucked up NTR

Bond Travolta
9 years ago

Hahah the author is really milking cash on this one, Oliver. Did you know? A chapter that comes out just after this one (still not translated) the husband stabs himself in the thigh while signing the divorce paper after ruining it & brings the wife to her senses. I'm not sure what they're talking about, but it's something about reconciling. But what's clear is that she's also telling her ex that she's only using him as a tool and that she's had no feelings whatsoever for him. To which, the ex enrages & storms off the door before telling the couple they're both twisted beyond saving.

HAHAHAH OH WOW xD It should end soon. Like, really soon. Drag it any longer & I won't be see how this could end with any decency at all if not psychotically.

Bond Travolta
9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

Oh wait, this pack includes that chapter & translated too. It actually belongs in volume 3 though.

Bond Travolta
9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

Okay, finally understood what that chapter was about. This is going to change into shit fast. At least Ayamachi (the author's previous NTR work) had redeeming values. This however, is just going to end badly I think.

The author did said it's going to end in vol.2 but due to the popularity he's asked by the publisher to extend it. And well, we get this. :P

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

I see, so there's going to be a full volume 3 ? Oh boy, I can't wait to detest it.

As for the presently last chapter, it does belong to the volume 3 then ? You know what, I don't care, it's better at the end of volume 2, it brings a sort of sense of closure, making things slightly less enraging :D

Bond Travolta
9 years ago

True dat. Either way regardless of which chapter it ended vol.2 with, like a lot of other manga (either hentai or not) which got extended waayyy past their original intended ending due to cashcowinng from sales tend to suck due to getting content which are made up just for the sake of sales & therefore lengthening it unnecessarily, and will suck even worse when its' past its' due & gets ended abruptly.

Sadly, based on how it could have ended in vol.2 as originally intended, the wife either gets taken away or the couple actually reconciles & starts over again AT THIS FREAKING POINT WITHOUT INDULGING IN MORE CUCKING.

But no, they decided to make it NTR fuel. I followed this because it had a decent story, but now it's not much beyond the usual NTR/cuck story & I think will just end up worse the longer it go (to say, vol.1 actually had an impact. It lessens in vol.2 especially progressively towards the end of it. I imagine vol.3 will be meh material). Eh, since I'm in along the ride I figure I might just keep following it for kicks.

Sadly, with this much empathy in hentai story, the author would do much better with vanilla works I think. Hopefully after this one ends he'd go back to doing one.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

i heard a month ago through 4chan that the ending to vol 3 is very… bad and good bad for the wife and good for the husband.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  hawk

That's not very helpful as it is. Bad for the wife would mean the husband doesn't suffer enough. Good for the husband could mean the wife manages to make him suffer super hard.

9 years ago

nah more like. happy ending for the husband,, bad ending for the wife. i could spoil what i read but i dont know if anyone here is spoiler sensitive

Bond Travolta
9 years ago
Reply to  hawk

Nah bro. Manga isn't even produced yet. But if it's anything like Ayamachi, I suspect the author will do something similar. Could be that the husband gets over the cuck, found someone new & moved & the wife goes on her own way to find her true calling. Though honestly I don't see it that easy to pull here. I mean, they are more closely tied to their families here & a divorce would be out of the question unless the author is cheating with the story. :p

The girl in Ayamachi was a bastard child, had a complex about it & that was what leading to her being in an open relationship, only to find that it's hurting her & those around her. Later she when she quit it she goes on a quest to find her true calling by working at the elderly day care. But, Haruka..? What? Ended up being a prostitute/AV star? Or somebody do end up NTR-ing that cuck by stealing the wife's body & affection? Is it going to be senpai? Or, after much fucking with the reader is it going to end like it's probably originally intended? (they reconciled & quit the whole thing. Either by gaining a baby that is not the cuck's or not).

Frankly, I'm open to hear about what you heard. Because while vol 2 was in production, 4chan was also my source for this manga & from what I see, all they have are just speculations too.

It was hard to put off, but at this point this manga starting to become meh I think.. Too much cashcow-ing going on. This volume had much rinse & repeat content, and honestly I don't think the author could expand much beyond doing that in vol.3.

Actually, he could. Like detailing what really happened between wife & senpai beyond that short flashback. Or even detailing Haruka's complex. It could be anything, only a matter of how capable the author is. :/

9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

well. basically what i heard is that the wife asks him if they want to start over again (i dont know what happends that builds up to this point, or anything that happends at all to be honest since i havent actually read the manga itself and only through other ppls notes) the husband ends up saying no fuck off bitch and moves on with some other woman who was intrested in him, the wife ends up going crazy and killing the cuck guy then killing herself afterwards, the end. dont know if this is actually legit or not. but either way its a pretty hilarious way to end

Bond Travolta
9 years ago
Reply to  hawk

Haha, I think it's just a speculation in their end and yes, there are actually a number of endings they've discussed. None are viable since what we have here is the latest they have in Japan and the author is mostly still working on the next one or two chapter so yeah, it's very plausible that isn't true. xD

To a joking end, I think the best one I've seen is:

>Haruka & Shu smiling while holds their newborn baby which has senpai-like face.
>All the men who've fucked Haruka stand behind the couple & their newborn son, yelling "Omedetou!"
>They all look up at senpai smiling face in the sky
>The end

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

You forgot the part when the men gather up on the wife but grace the husband and child with a surprise bukkake.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  hawk

I'd say: on the internet, better assume everyone is ready to hire a professional hitman against you if you ever post a spoiler somewhere.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bond Travolta

Are there translated chapters from Ayamachi? Couldn't find any. I really hope someone picks it up.

Bond Travolta
9 years ago
Reply to  Gin-san

Seinen scans translated one chapter of it. Apart from that, there's none to be had, sadly.

9 years ago

I don't get it. What's the husband turn on? He likes to suffer is that it, like a psychologic sadist? And the wife's reaction: she got sympathetic towards him after hearing that? Such a mess of a twist.

9 years ago
Reply to  guest

I meant masochist, not sadist

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  guest

<img src=&quotcomment image" />

9 years ago

It's not really a rant. I just didn't understand what was that confession leading to the resolution.

9 years ago

Мда. Офигевшая от безделья, зажравшаяся жена….
А вообще – всё верно!
Так ведут себя нынешние европейские политики! Наступают на горло собственной песни, или если выразиться более жёстко – ведут себя как ёжики с известного анекдота – плачут, но жрут кактус!
И английский премьер-министр – не исключение!
Работает дядя не на подданных Туманного Альбиона. Отнюдь!
Ярый русофоб. Сломавший всё и вся. Когда мог вытащить свою страну из кризиса. Но для этого ему надо было прогуляться до психиатра, пройти тесты Сонди и Роршаха, сдать кровь на анализы на вирусы – мутировавшей от действий американских локаторов "испанки", "птичьего гриппа" и "дикого полиомиелита"…
А вот мангака такое рисует потому, что глубоко патологичен! Получив наш анализ биоритмологический, он загордился! Так и не понял, что это – его диагноз…

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  alexAP2009

Bro, do you even English ?
zdes, nikto panimaet rassii
(oh god my Russian is old)

Google Translate of your comment:
Hmm. Ofigevshy idleness, snickering wife …. And in general – all right! So behave current European policy! Comes on the throat of his own song, or to put it more harshly – behave like hedgehogs with the famous anecdote – crying, but guzzle a cactus! And British Prime Minister – is no exception! Powered uncle on subjects Albion. Not at all! Ardent Russophobia. Broke everything. When he could pull his country out of crisis. But to do that he had to walk to the psychiatrist, take tests and Rorschach Sondhi, a blood test for viruses – mutated from the actions of the American radar "Spanish flu", "avian flu" and "wild polio" … But the manga is because draws that deeply pathological! Having biorythmological our analysis, it is all proud! Did not understand that this – his diagnosis …

9 years ago

Google Translator тебе в помощь! (tebe v pomosch).
Есть также переводчик "Промт". Мощный! Мощнее, чем Google Translator.
Учите русский, gentlemen!
И не обижайтесь! Это Русская Весна! (Russian Spring!).

9 years ago
Reply to  alexAP2009

Прошу прощения, Оливер! Я увлёкся и не прочитал до конца Ваш ответ.
Мы разработали одну систему, которая может учитывать человеческий фактор при прогнозировании всяких чрезвычайных ситуаций (майданы, войны и прочее) и катастроф (авиационных, автомобильного фактора, техногенного характера – на производствах). Потому иногда хочется потестировать её на деятелях, по которым и так видно, что они – патологичны (как, например, автор этой манги). Чтобы протестировать вычисленные ключи.
Загляните сюда, Оливер (нужен переводчик, предлагаю!
Там намеренно всё скомкано. Часть писем-статей – содержат критику. Исследованных нами персон. Часть (в папке "Общие материалы"… содержат разъяснения.
Технология, которую мы разработали, весьма схожа с той, которую применяют те, кто дёргают за ниточки и кукловодят – американским Президентом Обамой, вашем Премьер-министром, многими европейскими лидерами. Мы её расшифровали.
Но у нас есть и своя разработка. Которую можно применять исключительно в благих целях.
Всё – в материалах на упомянутом мной сайте.
А с автором этой манги мы попробовали переписываться. Исследовали его. Он оказался патологичен и неадекватен.
Когда в Японии будут наводить порядок (сами японцы после ухода американцев) – он один из первых на заклание. Как распространитель гнили. И разлагатель.

9 years ago
Reply to  alexAP2009

Впрочем, с другой стороны, такова их, японцев, культурная особенность. Говорить вещи с такой интонацией, что противоположно меняется смысл. Вас, англосаксов, это всегда бесило в русском языке! Ибо такое и нам доступно! Потому мы японцев понимаем лучше. Но автор этой манги, к сожалению, не несёт в своём творчестве ничего конструктивного.
Потому, собирайте мангу, собирайте также информацию на авторов манги – дни рождений, дни их плохих (и хороших тоже) поступков, дни их конфликтов (и дни рождений тех, с кем они конфликтовали). А потому – связывайтесь с нами. Контакты – в подписях к статьям на упомянутой мной страничке.
Удачи Вам и успехов в исследованиях, Оливер!

9 years ago

while reading(i forgot that it was a hentai) i was like : oh come on, oh come on are you seriously believing what this dipshit. sayin?, then she had this look in her face like she was hit with revelation and i was like are you f&Cking kidding me?.
then i click next and saw the too be continued. i was like Senpai is right if i stay here i'll lose myself too.
so i deleted it. clicked empty recycle bin.

ahhh i feel a HUGE load of weight is lifted from my body.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  meiran

Can't blame you.

And now you're feeling somehow better, right ?

Catharsis, bitch :D


9 years ago

This is one of the most fucked up pieces of crap I have ever seen. Both of them are so twisted and nuts which I guess makes them perfect for each other.=/

General Hentai
General Hentai
9 years ago

"You are a fucked up husband and wife!" So true. This series, which says to "be continued" is so full of WTF. It's also been made into 2 episodes of hentai anime. Certain fetishes just flyover my head, as in I totally don't get them. NTR is one of them. Swinging, I understand: everyone's having fun. Any Cuckhold porn real person video, IMHO, is one of the sillier things out there, as you're dealing with actors and actresses pretending to be married. So, the variant exists in the West. But NTR is in many ways, uniquely Japanese. There are different varieties of NTR, and this one is about hierarchal control. Wives are supposed to be subservient to their husbands. Here we have this pathetic jerk pushing his wife to do more and more degrading things so as to prove their love by having her make him suffer. And for the Japanese viewer, they get to see someone doing something totally against Japanese societal norms. Peeing and other scat isn't just to show that something's going on in the blurred mosaic/censored whiteout area: It's a taboo. We're talking about a country where people wear different slippers when they go to the toilet in their own house. And here the taboo is the horrible misuse of an absolutely adorable young woman. Bad ending for her? Sorry to hear it, but that would be so Japanese.

General Hentai
General Hentai
9 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

There's a bunch more of course. You could throw gigabytes of psychobabble at this manga, as well as the underlying societal issues in Japan, including the empowerment to herbeviore readers who know that even they aren't as pathetic as the idiot husband.

9 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

I wouldn't say this is unique to Japan. there is tons of Cuckholding porn out there made in america.

9 years ago
Reply to  annonymous

and i'm talking live action porn not just comics

9 years ago

Wow, considering Oliver's rant. I had to read this thing. But wow, I now understand the rage. This is pretty messed up… And there is going to be a third volume? I cannot wait to see it and Oliver's reaction to it!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  newvelaric

Geee, thanks -_-

pyrolobus fumarii
pyrolobus fumarii
9 years ago

Can’t understand why this become popular in japan. Yeah it is industry and trend, but come on.. it’s like do you really wanted to become the victim so badly?

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

I know I have a bad tendency to attack "herbivores", but I feel this is yet another manifestation of an attempt to catch sales from herbivores, there must be a readership incapable of identifying itself with men having sex with women accepting them, but instead able to identify themselves with a loser who is so much of a loser that his wife was bound to cheat on him, so he became the kind of guy who would love it.

9 years ago

IDK the rage fizzled out when i hit that last chapter. I mean, it seems husband and wife are ok and are on the same page now. Now i just look at them like all the other perverted couples I've read(S and M, bondage, fem-dom, watersports. scat) if there ok with it whatever. Story would've had more bite if they got divorced.

9 years ago

I found this little jem so I thought I would share it.

9 years ago

I'm enjoying the comments in this one. Open relationships like this never end well.

For a similar, less fucked up story, try Tsumame De by Ver9.
At least that one had a somewhat 'good' ending.

9 years ago

Sigh.. i lost all motivation to

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

But it's frustrating, because doing so pleases the fucker >_<

9 years ago

Okay, I loathe cheating and adultery stories – as well as their ugly cousin NTR – with every fiber of my being. BUT for the love of god, this time I wholeheartedly support any guy who ends up ntring that pathetic husband.

9 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Darky

Lol, saw your links in the spam folder, what's with the flood of comments. You could have, also, read my post, first line, and found that link

9 years ago

You should have done a repack, putting both volumes together, it would have saved the complaining and confusion.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Darky

Dude ?

See volume 2.
Find link to volume 1.

You call that confusing ?

7 years ago

Excuse me…my friend told me Netoraserare Vol. 3 are already translated now (although he dont know which group that translated it)…can u find it?

5 years ago

So the sex got better, but it’s badly censored, plus I haven’t bothered reading the thing in depth. Something about a weak-willed, low confidence man wanting his wife to find a better man or something.

The mangaka can really draw bodies though. Looking at the dude in the shower and thinking DAMN.