Nightmare√♀ [English] by Z-ton

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By DeltaOblivion on 19 comments

Free Image HostingAh, October…the month of spooks and goofs! DeltaOblivion here bringing you a treat to start off the month of sexy monster girls, much like this one…or is “it”? This young monster girl is a Succubus, but not just any ordinary succubus: A Nightmare. These types of dream demons are born Futa, but when they reach a certain age, they can decide in being either be male or female…but if he goes male, doesn’t that means he’d become an Incubus? I’ve read in many books I researched that Incubi are hideous monsters unlike their counterpart the Succubi who are drop dead gorgeous, but that doesn’t stop them from doing wild heated sex!!! XD

Anyhoo…to celebrate the month of Halloween, I’ve decided to post one monster girl story per week, as long as they are not in the range of beastiality. Sadly there’s a very thin, blurry, little line in between furry and monster girl that many believe that fall in that “Unique” category. I’m a Perverted-Cat-In-Heat, but I will never tarnish the good name of HentaiRules. Still many thanks go to 5 a.m. translations for this great work.

By the same artist, there is also Mesudachi: volume 1, volumes 2-3 and volume 4.

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9 years ago

I give you a challenge.

Find a monster girl involving a shark, werewolf, or dragon, that is NOT bestiality.

For science

9 years ago

I think I have one of those in my private stash. If I manage to find it, I'll post it.:D

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  DeltaOblivion

Oh god, what have I unleashed :D

Sorry I once again forgot to answer to your emails, Delta-O, BTW. I'll try to do it tomorrow :)

9 years ago

No prob.:D

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
9 years ago

The last story in the "Hyakki Yakou Lv.2 Lizerds" anthology tankoubon features a dragon who was struck with a humanization spell, managed to repel it halfway, and became a human-dragon hybrid as a result.

9 years ago

I swear, Z-Ton is getting weirder and weirder with every release.

9 years ago

as far as incubi goes it depends,some versions can make themselves "look" beautiful while others can just turn into anything they want (like it's female counterpart) while some are just 'feminine" or just natrualy beautiful but yes the classic version is ugly as hell (while only making themselves beautiful to the woman they want to have fun with)

9 years ago
Reply to  Zero

Thanks for the tip. Most of my research on monsters happen to come from classic literature. I haven't had the chance to look into the modern version of them.

9 years ago

Dude, futanari tag.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Brothir

Delta-O doesn't tag his posts, apparently. It's true, he should, though :o

9 years ago

Actually I didn't know I could put tags on my posts. I'll give it a go next time.

9 years ago

Holy crap, that was a good one!
Especially the ending makes me want to have more of this!

9 years ago

Yay: Monster Girl
YAY: more monster girl every week

Is the line between Monster girl and furry really THAT thin if you worry about it?? Every "Monster" Monster girl should be fine right? Like Minotaur, Centaur and everything else that has a human head and/or torso.
I got a full folder of Monster girl stuff and i actually never considered any of it furry despite some of them at best being 40% human

9 years ago
Reply to  Gimonfu

No offense, but in my opinion Furry and Monster Girls are the practically the same to a certain degree.

9 years ago
Reply to  DeltaOblivion

Facial features, Delta. Easy to remember.

9 years ago

A monstergirl upload? On Hentairules? *looks outside his window for brimstone* I never thought it possible.

As for the furry/monstergirl argument eh… I guess it depends on the monster, and the level zoomorphism? Take a catgirl for instance: You could argue that she’s a monstergirl, since she’s well, not quite human, but you could also argue that she’s a furry if she has enough animalistic features (fur, paws), but if she only has the ears and the tail, is that still furry?

I like to treat furry and monstergirl in two different camps, with an occasional overlap.

9 years ago

I really liked the story. I'm not crazy about futa, but I do like a tomboy with a nice tan!
I hope the artist made more like this.

9 years ago
Reply to  Araktar

Z-ton has a bunch of stuff, mostly Monster Girl as far as I know, but mostly non-funta. Some with very nice/non-generic stories.
Try g.e-hentai, they got a lot of him, not everything translated though.

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
4 years ago

Just a heads up, Oliver. There’s a translated sequel that popped up titled “Futana Najimi”:

There’s also a 5th Mesudachi doujin: