Performance Complex [English], by Saemon
The story starts with a stepbrother who’s a jealous jerk, who can’t stand his cute doting stepsister is scoring better than him in their hischool exams, and who treats her roughly during their sexual games.
At this point, I’m in a pinch, because I’d like to avoid spoilers, as the story presents a certain charm… Let us just say the brother stops being a jerk at some point ? Sorry I don’t want to be more specific ^^
The drawings are good and hardcore, although plagued by a whiteout censorship. I think it’s still worth it…
Thanks a lot to MeownsterHunter, Manchewable, Palaxius, Cadenza, Kurosenai and Freudia, from the great Team Koinaka!
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This was awesome. Many thanx Oliver.
Lucky for him she really loves him – otherwise, she'd be too good for him.
You're welcome, Ehud