High Elf X High School Koku [English, third instalment of the Highschool Elves academy series], by Fueta Kishi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

The highschool elves series continues :) (The first two parts are here.)
This time, with a gyaru-like dark elf, with shameless behaviour, a tight shirt on her huge breasts, minuscule panties and a huge ass. But that ass… Oh god.
The male main character is placed in a harem situation where it’s official he will “collect” girls, and yet he started on such an exclusive base with the first tsundere Elf, that we now have a cheating feeling as he’s getting that new girl, probably because he’s trying to hide his new conquest. Harem and cheating, this is new to me :shock:

As for the art, it’s good, very good :) Sometimes the girl’s ass becomes too big, I fear Fueta Kishi might become too lazy, but the talent is here :)
Once again, thanks to Lazarus LP, CovertOpBoobs and Tzernia Airlines for this release :jap:

For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!

We have yet to find why kings can become slaves, did you notice ? I wonder how the story will unwind to make this sentence come true…

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
(For quick catching up, the gallery with the two previous parts is here.)

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(80 MB, 35 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 80 MB to 14 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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9 years ago


9 years ago

I must say that the filtering you apply on the releases sharing only the good things and not the fucked up NTR (or not pushing it as the summum of H), with the happy stuff makes it really nice.
Though I must say i'm mostly using your image gallery because of the fact that you do the "archive thingie" and it kinda makes the download kinda pointless…
I just wanted to thank you Oli for some releases I miss e-H ^^

oh and BTW : can someone tell me why is there so much NTR since a few month? almost all the "insta boner" drawings are making my mind die…
something like "oh god it's beautiful but i hate myself for reading this story!"

Also, do anyone know a scan-lator team only doing happy stuff? cause that's something I want to do since a few months, like a "here's a pool, you do a release that fits the criteria for a reward? bam, submit it and get the prize !".

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  @kuzko_topia

Just a thing, what do you mean with your, quoting, archive thingie ?

Also, I realize we're nearing the end of october, time sure flies.
Would you be up for a 2015 gigatorrent by the end of the year ? :3

9 years ago

I was speaking of the gigatorrent ofc ^^ and no problemo!

Though last year I sent like 500TB in the first month (yup, kuzkotopia full network sent packets over 2 years reached around 4 PB of data), but I wont have as many servers as I had last time so it might be slower… BUT i wish more people would seed what they already have with the new torrent, gotta explain them how to do it ^^ so it's a bit faster.
I'll have to setup a new tracker as I did last time but it's pretty straight forward.

See, I like making myself useful, it's always a technical experience I'll be able to make use of and it is making me more confident and a bit proud about myself and is helping you too.

You kbnow just for the sake of optimizing everything, I recompiled the linux kernel to max out the networking horsepower of the 5 servers I had, it was insane ! (insanely cool too)
I'm setting up a monitoring system so that we can see the traffic sent for the torrent for the lulz, i'll give you the ID's when it's ready for the launch ^^

9 years ago

Nicole was awesome and has pretty smile:) Thanks a lot Lazarus LP, CovertOpBoobs and Tzernia Airlines ^^ Also thank you Oliver for small version:)

9 years ago

Page 22 – HORNY BASTARD SWITCH FLIPPED! – IIRC, I think that line came from the classic work: "Seka x Seka", and it's still appropriate even now. :p

… and then there was Page 31 (DUN-DUN-DUNNN!!!!!) :o

9 years ago

MY DICK HURTS thanx Oliver i am dying to see the next part …and the next…and the next :P :D

9 years ago

Why is the post’s preview pic decensored, but the rest of the share is not (including the picture used in your post preview)?

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

That's because I decensored the pic myself. I'm not good enough to decensored the whole manga, but a single picture that will be shrunk by 300%, that at least I can. Even if that's one pic, damn, that pic totally deserved it :D