Hitoduma Goroshi (“Someone Else’s Wife Banger”) [English], by Yuugiri
I find it hard to guess to what audience precisely, in Japan, this publishing caters, but, heh, go figure. I mean, not from our point of view, when either it’s about being able to enjoy the porn while discarding the story, or, for those of you who dig that stuff (why not, to each his own), about simply taking it all and loving it.
No, from the Japanese editors and publishers point of view, are there really some who’ll say “hey, it’s time to publish a new story about a father betraying his son and stealing his hot wife, because there are readers who want it to masturbate” ? Like, seriously ?!? O_o
Pity, the art was fucking awesome, oh, those intense sunken expressions on the woman’s face!!
By the same artist, I also share the sweet Seiso-kei (“Sex Junkie”), Ojisan Senyou Anadorei Mika, Bijo To Yajin (it’s part of a big full-color pack of works), Dark Palace Inyoku No Kyuuden, Hatsujou Training, Iinazuke Wa Hanshokuki, Immoral Lesson, and Inbai Shoujo Dealer.
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*Reading the title* Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen in this manga.
Definitely vanilla hentai.
If she is NTR by young stud then I'm glad to read till the end. I only read the intro and see it was an old fat guy, so I'm out lol
I have to say Oliver that every time you dislike the story i'm more inclined to download the manga. Vanilla doesn't make it for me anymore so when you say you disliked (because of the story) the manga i know i have a high chance of liking it.
Well, why not after all, Kurono ? That means my description still served its purpose, and helped you reach a decision you wouldn't regret, so I'm cool with that =)
I'm the same with this Kurono guy..man,now i only download vanilla-h when the drawings are really good..whenever you dislike something, i would check it fast like it's a Kon-kit or Yamatogawa or Fueta Kishi or Meme50 or Amatarou or Distance or Makinosaka Shinichi manga (and so on)….hahaha..i have a folder of them named Great Artists..haha..