Chiryou [English], by Morris
Exam neurosis. Yeah, right
The story: a highschooler panics at the thought of his exams, only endless masturbation keeps his extreme anguish at bay, but in the end it would hurt his penis. Fortunately there’s a solution, a woman’s body, real mouth, real vagina, with that he can calm down after a few shots.
Let’s not stop at that: his aunt takes other his mother to serve him until exam day :rol:
At least, the drawings were OK, uncensored on certain pages. It’s like an UFO coming from the past ^^
Amoskandy is the one who released it, thank you
By the same artist, I also share Libido In The Beaker (182 pictures.)
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I love it!!!! First the kid fucks his mom and puts her on the injured reserved list because she throws her back out. But now he takes on the aunt and who knows what's going to happen to her, LOL!!! :p
Ooooh … Morris. now there's a name I've not seen in quite a while.