Betsuni Jokyoushi Ga Ota Demo Ii Deshou (“There’s Nothing Wrong With A Female Teacher Being An Otaku, Right?”) [English], by Kojima Saya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

–UPDATE: this share has been reedited to TANK scans thanks to Akiba-Kei!
Let us let images do the talking: BEFORE / AFTER!
… okay ? :D
As you can see,
– the fully black censorship have become semi-transparent. They also changed location and are occasionally a tiny bit less obstrusive
– it doesn’t show as much, and yet the image “grain” has been improved, with better gray nuances and better printing

Let’s adress the slightly misleading title: “A Perverted Teacher Nurturing Forced Sex Fantasies Also Works As An Ero-Mangaka And Her Pupils Find Who She Is”, how about it ? ^^
That’s the gist, the heroine, a busty sexy female teacher (looking, what, like she’s 25 or so) got what she dreamt of, with three self-confident boys from her class. Everybody was glad, so, hey, why not!

The drawings are nice, full of intensity, very hardcore, from oral to double penetration.
This manga has been released by Axalon, DerEX, CellTF, MrWayne and Psyburn21. Thank you very much! :)

And for more, don’t miss The list of Kojima Saya’s works on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(44 MB, 26 pictures, English)

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9 years ago

Hey, just stopping by to say that there's a blank bubble on page 2. It's been updated on the EH gallery and my blog links. I'd just imgur it and stick it here, but I don't feel like getting caught in the spam filter. It's just a "Huh!?", so nothing huge, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.

Sorry about the censorship. The tank scans are less censored, the bars all see-through, but unfortunately the scans are pretty bad, most pages have a large chunk of the left side missing, so we thought it'd be best to use the better scans despite the censorship.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Axalon

Hey Axalon, thank you so much for all your releasing and your mention of an update :)

That said, I don't see a blank bubble on page 2 in my share, could it be I already have your latest version ?


9 years ago

It's in the second panel, right beneath "telling you my name". Compare it to

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Axalon

Argh, you're right ^^;;

I'll update it with my next break. Thanks for telling me :)

9 years ago
Reply to  Axalon

Those with pride of their work will pay the closest attention to detail! Thank you Axalon for the translation and thank you Oliver for the share!

9 years ago

Hi Oliver, just wanted to mention that The Tit Translation Project is now up and running again,

New thread is here:

And our latest work, a short and hot color work featuring a buxom track and field girl, can be found here:

Hope you like! Do feel free to request in the thread too!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Steven_Even

Hoooooo :3

Will check. Thank you Steven ^_^

9 years ago

Forgot where it originally came from (or whether I'm recalling the exact words) but it fits this story well:

"And a wonderful time was had by all." :p