Trans H [English], a To Love Ru Darkness hentai doujinshi, by Tora Machine
The girls in To Love Ru Darkness are good looking, but sadly, they’re looking borderline too young. What if the mangaka suddenly gives them an age boost and we now have a dream figure, with large breasts and nanobikinis ? Mea and Nemesis to the rescue!!
OK, we must bear a first half with the two of them with their normal bodies, but fuck that, the second half made the volume totally worth it
Tigoris, and the unknown person who commissioned Tigoris: thank youuuu!
By the same artist, I also share Mezase Rakuen Keikaku 1, Mezase! Rakuen Keikaku vol. 5, Colorful Lala, Trouble Teachers, Trouble Teachers Volume 5, Bathroom With Momo, Kindan No Mikan vol 2 and That’s Not The Level Of Indecency.
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Don't usually DL ones with these two, but I read the second part and was like, yeah…DL!
Nemesis and Mea were awesome ^^ Thank you Tigoris, and the unknown person who commissioned Tigoris:)