Nouryoku Hatsujou [English], a hentai doujinshi parodying the Charlotte series, by Agoitei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

Vanilla hentai, tsundere, love, small breasts, and a dick disappearing as it is swallowed by an invisible mouth for, in my experience, the weirdest blowjob I read to this day… how about it ? :D
This is the second Charlotte hentai doujinshi I’m sharing today, and as things are, I’m now hoping for many others to come in the future, huhu.

I hope you will enjoy reading me, I had a great time on my side. The drawings were nice, to me they reminded me of the artist Aoki Kanji, wouldn’t you agree ?
I don’t know who released it, but if you read my lines: THANK YOU! \o/

By the same artist, Sankuro’s the name and Agoitei’s the circle name, I also share Kindan Yousoro and Suzuyaism.

And now, more seriously: I think it would be AWESOME, an invisible blowjob like that :twisted:

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8 years ago

I hope you guys aren't experiencing the same problem a site I know recently did. This IntenseDebate system wiping out comment sections. Yeah, I hope you're all good and running!

Oliver AKA The Admin
8 years ago
Reply to  adakkusu-san

Woah, can you tell me more about this problem with comment sections using IntenseDebate ? O_o

8 years ago

All that I know is that at a blog running Blogger, IntenseDebate wiped out comments as far as 2011 (not all of them, but a lot, I think, even recent). Also I heard Blogger or IntenseDebate won't support eachother in the time to come. But I see you're using WordPress, so I guess you're all good. Hope no sections got wiped in progress!

Oliver AKA The Admin
8 years ago
Reply to  adakkusu-san

Well, I sure hope ^^

On the plus side, I'm with wordpress, but on the minus side, Intense Debate is a quasi-dead project, its development has ended and only maintenance is done to keep it secure and working, but further progresses won't happen, if you see the nuance. It belongs to Automattic, the company fo the founder of Wordpress, so we can trust these minimalistic updates to be done, but it's a pity, really, I DISLIKE Disqus, the other popular comments system :(

8 years ago

Yeah, not much is done to it anymore. It's the same as it was years ago (2012 or so). I think it'll still work with WordPress because it's associated, as you said.

I also dislike Disqus, since always, glad we have the same opinion on that.

Oliver AKA The Admin
8 years ago
Reply to  adakkusu-san

I think that, maybe, some day, I'll have to give up on intensedebate, if it isn't maintained enough.

But then, brrr, the alternative will be to have to mimic it with wordpress plugins.

One to allow editing of comments during a short time, one to get email notifications, one to allow comment rating…

hey wait, is that all that is required actually ?!? O_o

8 years ago

I’m sorry you may have to. The problem I first mentioned has been fixed some weeks ago, though; the comments reappeared somehow.