Tokutouseki [English], by Saemon
Girl annoys boy by imposing her stingy presence, boy makes sexual advances to scare her and make her move away, girl replies with « If it’s you… I don’t mind… »… Okay, okay, the scenario isn’t very original. To be frank : if you read yesterday’s meteo forecast, that will be slightly more original.
But, still… even when this is excessively stereotypical, this kind of setup has its own charm, it’s nice to see two youngsters finally able to become honest, don’t you think ? ^^
I think the rest is entirely up to you, will you love the drawings or not. The girl is the thin type, with another touch that I like, the “WHERE WAS SHE HIDING BOOBS LIKE THAT” effect once her shirt is removed. Enjoy!
And thanks to Icebarrier18 for this release =)
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the last page was the best part
“Childhood Friend” scenario – more often than not works out fine. This one is no exception.
Creamsicle time.