Miho-san No Kai Ase Barei [English], by Mikami Cannon
*heavy breathing*
While her husband has been overseas for too long, a young married woman treats herself to a piece of a young man having a crush on her. No moral issues for them, no getting caught, no drama, simply two adults enjoying each other. Sure, that theme won’t please everyone, me, as it was, I found it fully OK
As for the art… How should I describe the quality of the drawings ? I know: one SFX ( “ZBOING”) and one common noun ( “titanium” ), how about it ?
Just like in my previous shares of works by Mikami Cannon, my sincere thanks are for Noraneko and JBK, great job!
–Update: good news, this share is now obsolete.
You will find this story inside the Zecchou Yokkyuu volume
off topic i just wonder if you noticed that A Straight Line to Love release, it might as well dont need to recompress, just to upload to the lockers you use
I’m hesitating because this is a hot topic for Wani and both Jacob and their legal team will come after me, frankly
oooh, nevermind then, i thought you just missed it
I’ve gotten pretty inured to infidelity in hentai, but as a man who’s been deployed overseas for the past two years, this hit me way too close to home. >_<
Ouch, yeah, I can understand this isn’t a topic you’d want to see thrown in your face.
Still,l there’s hentai, and there’s the real world. There aren’t that many common points between them.
Your GF/wife has no reason to behave like a manga character, so to say, hopefully not
I’ve been wondering whats arguably the best way to sort and view hentai? At the moment I have every thing sorted in to extracted folders and I am in the process of using the Doujinishi Renamer program to rename everything to a standard which also easily lets me search for parodies easier at that gets tagged in aswell.
I have been using IfranView to view the images but since I’m resorting everything I was thinking of converting everything to zips and using something like CDisplayex instead. I was just wondering what does everyone use and recommend?
I’m using old CDisplay, most of my hentai are either in zip or rar and since there are a program which lets me see image thumbnail of the compressed file, I never have to extract them ever again.
Cheers for the reply, going to have to look into the compressed thumbnail thing sounds like a good idea.
I think CdisplayEX or Honeyview would be perfect if you go for zips.
In my own case, I shamelessly confess I keep “best” folders in which there are my favorite pics extracted from the full mangas, and to do this I need to keep the mangas in non-zip format, image by image.
For this, I use my good old ACDSee classic, I can rename the images with a F2, and handle them as in the normal windows explorer windows, copy, paste, recompress if needed, etcetera.
I also use the Windows explorer default program with the display set to very large thumbnails (errrr… I hope that’s the right term, for me it’s in French of course), when I browse a fairly large collection of directories and forgot the exact name of something.
As for folder names, when it comes to mangas, I always place first the name of the mangaka.
I never understood the “community” choice of placing first the scanlator name between brackets. Brackets make file names not start with a real letter, and even at the cost of scanlator egos, it would be much more logical to first sort by mangaka name, I believe.
Yea deffinitly going to stay with zips i think, the program Doujinishi Renamer pulls Info from https://www.doujinshi.org/ and creates a info.xml which has all the data like tags, circles and all that, and when used with the accompanied program Doujin Manager you can create a Database of all you Doujin that you can search using tags and the like its awesome.
At the moment im trying out CDisplay going to have a look at Honeyview.
Thanks for the reply
Who the fuck stays away for two years without any visits? Are they even still married, or does he have a new family, lol?
It wasn\’t written anywhere in the manga that her husband had been away for two years, here it\’s just a prolungated business trip…
EDIT: oh, were you referring to Kaze\’s comment, above ? In that case, he never told he was never coming back home.
Damn. That was way hotter than I expected. Usually don’t like cheating stories, but the husband seems so far removed from the story, I dunno. And, 2 years away? Not even New Years? Jeeze.
The wife is seriously hot though, and cute. I’ve always liked it more when the woman is pro active.
Two years was for Kaze in the comments, in the manga there’s no mention of two years, just an overseas trip :o
Mixed feelings here. I love independent women who are in charge of their own sexuality. So much of this patriarchial Japanese BS where there’s a sense of male ownership of women (“Mother is mine! I’ll never let another man have her!”). I’ve been in a monogamous relation for 20+ years now, so I’m no fan of adultery, but my attitude for hentai is that if the female character is getting neglected, C’MON, MAN! Satisfying your lady is a MUST for any man. Thus, in those cases, I’ve no problem with a woman getting what she needs.
Here, there’s no context. The husband’s on a business trip, overseas. Unless there’s a translation error, and he’s actually working overseas, meaning she’s all alone sexually, we’ve no idea how long the husband’s been gone. The word “trip” implies not that long. To me, a trip is usually 2 weeks or less; a month or more, and someone is working overseas.
So, with the impression that Miho’s dropping her drawers after a month or less without sex, and with no explanation why she’d betray her marriage, this one comes across negatively, despite the positive portrayal of a woman’s sexuality.