Miho-san No Kai Ase Barei [English], by Mikami Cannon

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments

*heavy breathing*

While her husband has been overseas for too long, a young married woman treats herself to a piece of a young man having a crush on her. No moral issues for them, no getting caught, no drama, simply two adults enjoying each other. Sure, that theme won’t please everyone, me, as it was, I found it fully OK :)
As for the art… How should I describe the quality of the drawings ? I know: one SFX ( “ZBOING”) and one common noun ( “titanium” ), how about it ? :D :lol:

Just like in my previous shares of works by Mikami Cannon, my sincere thanks are for Noraneko and JBK, great job! :jap:

–Update: good news, this share is now obsolete.
You will find this story inside the Zecchou Yokkyuu volume :)

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9 years ago

off topic i just wonder if you noticed that A Straight Line to Love release, it might as well dont need to recompress, just to upload to the lockers you use

9 years ago

oooh, nevermind then, i thought you just missed it

9 years ago

I’ve gotten pretty inured to infidelity in hentai, but as a man who’s been deployed overseas for the past two years, this hit me way too close to home. >_<

9 years ago

I’ve been wondering whats arguably the best way to sort and view hentai? At the moment I have every thing sorted in to extracted folders and I am in the process of using the Doujinishi Renamer program to rename everything to a standard which also easily lets me search for parodies easier at that gets tagged in aswell.

I have been using IfranView to view the images but since I’m resorting everything I was thinking of converting everything to zips and using something like CDisplayex instead. I was just wondering what does everyone use and recommend?

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
9 years ago
Reply to  Ronin

I’m using old CDisplay, most of my hentai are either in zip or rar and since there are a program which lets me see image thumbnail of the compressed file, I never have to extract them ever again.

9 years ago
Reply to  Seishiro Haga

Cheers for the reply, going to have to look into the compressed thumbnail thing sounds like a good idea.

9 years ago

Yea deffinitly going to stay with zips i think, the program Doujinishi Renamer pulls Info from https://www.doujinshi.org/ and creates a info.xml which has all the data like tags, circles and all that, and when used with the accompanied program Doujin Manager you can create a Database of all you Doujin that you can search using tags and the like its awesome.

At the moment im trying out CDisplay going to have a look at Honeyview.

Thanks for the reply :)

9 years ago

Who the fuck stays away for two years without any visits? Are they even still married, or does he have a new family, lol?

9 years ago

Damn. That was way hotter than I expected. Usually don’t like cheating stories, but the husband seems so far removed from the story, I dunno. And, 2 years away? Not even New Years? Jeeze.
The wife is seriously hot though, and cute. I’ve always liked it more when the woman is pro active.

General Hentai
General Hentai
9 years ago

Mixed feelings here. I love independent women who are in charge of their own sexuality. So much of this patriarchial Japanese BS where there’s a sense of male ownership of women (“Mother is mine! I’ll never let another man have her!”). I’ve been in a monogamous relation for 20+ years now, so I’m no fan of adultery, but my attitude for hentai is that if the female character is getting neglected, C’MON, MAN! Satisfying your lady is a MUST for any man. Thus, in those cases, I’ve no problem with a woman getting what she needs.
Here, there’s no context. The husband’s on a business trip, overseas. Unless there’s a translation error, and he’s actually working overseas, meaning she’s all alone sexually, we’ve no idea how long the husband’s been gone. The word “trip” implies not that long. To me, a trip is usually 2 weeks or less; a month or more, and someone is working overseas.
So, with the impression that Miho’s dropping her drawers after a month or less without sex, and with no explanation why she’d betray her marriage, this one comes across negatively, despite the positive portrayal of a woman’s sexuality.