3230t Sukebe (“3230 Tons Of Slut”) [English], a hentai doujinshi parodying Kantai Collection, by Uo Denim, under the Salvage Fisheries pen name

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

3230 tons of slut. NOW THAT IS A TITLE!! :D

The story, basically: Tenryuu, one of the Kancolle girls, is bored, she asks her admiral to play a game with her or something, turns out he knows exactly what game to play.
I wouldn’t call it tsundere, however there’s a bit of this, Tenryuu apparently isn’t aware yet of sex and she tackles everything with a spirit of competition, that was funny to see her try to deny she feels super good because that would mean she’d be letting the admiral win their game ^^

As for the art, as expected of Uo Denim, we have an adorably busty and plump woman with a good-looking face and a huge butt, and bearable not-too-obstrusive censorship: YUM! :twisted:
Credits are for Axalon (who also told me of this doujinshi’s existence, it had slept under my radar!), MrWayne and CellTF, from Casa Wayne and The Lost Light. Thank you very much ^_^

By the same artist, known as Uno Denim, Selvage Fisheries and Serubitch Suisan, I also share Boku No Seishori Gakari Wa Ijimekko Gal (221 pictures), S&N, FHO, GuP Hside + GuP Hside+, Ride On BitchBoku No Oshiego Wa Bitch Gal, Get O~Ba~, ATG, My First Bitch Girl, Nuku Nuku Gyarux, Backside – She has two faces, TKO, Abazure SummerMiss Bitch (a different version of Abazure Summer) and Bitch Frag.

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9 years ago

Uo Denim, you have done it once again. Though my fav is a tie between Nagato, Kaga, Bismark, and Junyou.
On another note, someone mentions another work by Uo Denim, next day it’s up. On the other hand, I have mentioned several times of another work by Pochi-Goya, and it still hasn’t been put up. Makes me wanna cry. :'(

9 years ago

Never really used mine for sorties either. Though it has to change soon since I gotta get Tenryuu (and Tatsuta) leveled for expedition 37 (Naka filled her spot).

More Denim is always nice. Even if this one has been around for a while now.

9 years ago

I guess I should add this Denim to my list of big booty manga artist