Biritai [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying Tales of The Abyss, by Shinsengokuraku
Same old (this is no brand new release, I forgot to share it at the time it was hot), here is yet another Tales Of The Abyss doujinshi, featuring once again Jate being a tease with Natalia till the moment they have sweet lovey-dovey sex.
And I still LOVE every new volume in this series, nice heart-warming vanilla hentai like that, drawn with inspiration, talent, and a visible liking to the characters, this feels great to read
The style is kinda shoujo-esque, without that much censorship, with, this time, torn stockings… I hope you may enjoy your read =)
A remark I just made myself: I can’t explain why, but my favorite moments were when Natalia’s eyes looked slightly slanted. Awww =)
Credits are for Shinko, Soliloguy, Red_Piotrus, Flammz, Noh Nightfire and Super Shinko, from the EH-Cove. Thank you!
For a lot more, don’t miss The list of Shinsen Gokuraku’s works on Hentairules!
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Once Again, W.A.F.F. levels are OVER NINE THOUSAND … as to be expected from this series.
Yep, this is really sweet =)
Sorry Oliver, but who did the translation?
Ooops ? I forgot to write it in the post, sigh.
The information is in the pictures gallery:
I’ll update the post accordingly in a minute, thanks for giving me a chance to add missing credits!