Bloody Queen [English], by Gen
Until the moment Delta Oblivion makes a glorious comeback (I’ll have to ping him, reminds me), here is a monster girl share for you
I couldn’t fap to this even if you paid me, but I reckon the art is very good, with very little censorship, and the story, while totally outside of my tastes (a female lamia is captured, gang-raped, violence, a man is raped by her), is rather well written to suit the context.
Thanks to Cgrascal for this release!
(Oh god. I had first written “a female lama” instead of “lamia”. I noticed my mistake a second before clicking the “Publish” button to post it on Hentairules. Can you imagine it with a female llama ? Urgh.)
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About that question: “Can you imagine it with a female llama?”. I think you’ve shared one story (could be that I’ve seen it somewhere else so that is why it is I think) where the female was an anthrophomized llama.
Did I ?
That doesn’t ring a bell, and yet I’ve shared some weird shit that I haven’t forgotten yet
I’m curious, now…
He’s right. We’ve seen lamia in these hallowed pages.
That’s a lamia (half-female human, half-snake) not a llama (a domesticated South American camelid)!
And Lynod’s post says lamia. I didn’t even see the original post. Correct him not me.
… Half of her was MISSING during that.
Jesus Christ, Japan.
she re-grow her tail after 6page.
and Monster girl YAY~!!Thx Oliver!!
Yeah, but that’s six or seven pages of her having a massive gaping wound, with blood and bone poking out.
And they’re just fucking her.
Honestly, I didn’t really notice the gaping wound at first. It only really shows up on like, two or three panels? Still, didn’t really bother me that much. This Lamia is seriously hot to me, and I just focused on her rather than what was going on.