Ane Narumono (“An Elder Sister”) Volume 2 [English], by Pochi-Goya, + a repack with the volumes 1-2 zipped together

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments

I can't help feeling a strong feeling of exhileration at the thought I'm starting a hentai share with an image called shub-niggurath-hentai.jpg ^^;;

Inspired by the Cthulhu mythology, Shub-Niggurath returns! AND IT IS GOOD! :D
(The first part is HERE.)

There is love, adorable heart-warming moments, and great drawings. I recommend you that one, sure it’s weird and on the WTF side, but isn’t it good from times to times ? ^_^ Von, Axalon, Freudia, Dammon, Blue-Wingz, Nozonozo and Hihohahi, from, are behind this release, my great thanks for all this worthy release they brought to us :)

By the same artist, I also share Pleasure Ninpo-Cho and Primarck.

Complete pictures galleries:
Ane Narumono… volume 1 – and volume 2

And now, the download links.

I share 4 zips. In 2 pairs.
First pair, for Ane Narumono: Volume 2 (35 pages).
First, the “official” version, and, second, a version in which I shrunk the images from 3000 px to 1600 px, the file size fell from 46 MB to 12 MB, 34 MB smaller!
Second pair, for my repack of Ane Narumono volumes 1 AND 2 (65 pages).
First, the “official” version, and, second, my “made smaller” version (shrinking the images to 2000 px – volume 1 – and 3000 px – volume 2 – saved us 43 MB, from 64 MB to 21 MB!)

Ane Narumono: Volume 2!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

Ane Narumono Volumes 1-2!
Fulll-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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8 years ago

I wish an Eldritch abomination such as this would also offer me such a great deal. TT_TT

8 years ago

seems like a non-h version of this is going to be serialized in the future. congrats to the mangaka. here’s hoping he/she still does the occasional h-doujin of his/her own work.

8 years ago

So full of W.A.F.F.

8 years ago

So after a month I’ve finally caught up with today’s shares. Hooray.
Another release by Pochi-Goya. Hooray.
Oliver still hasn’t put up that work by Pochi-Goya starring Suzuya from KanColle which I have mentioned on nearly every Pochi-Goya post since it has come out. Boo!
Pleeasee, could you do this one as well?

John D.
John D.
8 years ago

Looking forward to the serialized version, though I do hope that the mangaka will still take some time to continue the H-versions as well. Hell, make them canon to the story of the serialized version, which would be pretty cool too. Can’t wait! :)

8 years ago

Hey, Has anyone heard anything about the 3rd chapter of Sister Crises and when it might be translated?

8 years ago

Very reminiscent of Saya no Uta… I approve!

Also, the X-ray shots… that’s absolutely not human physiology, and I think that’s the point… lovely shivers of terror!

8 years ago

wtf? how is that i missed anything lovecraftian pr0n? #shameonme

ps: oliver, if you read this, im a huge fan of lovecraft storys, more than 8 years ago looking for images related to this subject, i found something, not like porn, not like this at least, it was more like a cartoon (dunno how you call it on english) it was kinda a strip on a news paper, all the text on kanjis (dunno if it was japanese or chinese) i can recall at least 3 sections in one there was what i think was a woman but the drawins were like “chibi” thing, second section a lot of deepones enter the room where the woman is and in the third, as you was not able to see but the deepones but you can tell they were gang banging that woman. does that rings any bell? xD

Ronnie Hult Komstedt
Ronnie Hult Komstedt
3 years ago

All Links Dead :(