Pack of 3 nice works by Kojima Saya [English, 96 pictures], under the Yuriru Rarika pen name.
I gathered here 3 freshly released parodies of Kantai Collection, drawn by Kojima Saya.
The drawings are nothing short of EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD. Be it the non-body drawings, be it the beautiful faces and bodies, or the purely sexual parts, everything was top-notch, master-level. Hmm… You’re guessing there is a “but” coming now, don’t you ? Right. But the massive thick black bar censorship ruins most of the pages, this is a real pity T__T
Those works are:
– Gohoushi Tantou No Kashima Desu: In that one, a cheerful Kashima decides to cheer up her squad’s ugly, unpopular and fat admiral. Sounds like a “even fugly men can meet a cutie loving them for who they’re inside” tale. I feared things would turn sour at some point, but, nope, all ended as well as it begun, vanilla loving =)
– Senkan Nagato To Hentai Teitoku 1: This one is a funny comedy-oriented story between a stern Nagato, and her officially otaku hopelessly perverted admiral on whom she has a tsundere crush. She will eventually accept to take part in his soft BSDM games, and (naturally) immensely enjoy being his toy. Expect dildo play, vaginal and anal time.
– Senkan Nagato To Hentai Teitoku 2: Sequel to the volume 1. Our couple practices outdoor BSDM, Yamato and her own Master joins for a bit more fun.
MintVoid, Desudesu and Anonymous are behind these releases. Thank you!
I also extracted and cleaned for you an AMAZING rear picture :3
And for more, don’t miss The list of Kojima Saya’s works on Hentairules!
Complete pictures galleries:
Gohoushi Tantou No Kashima Desu, and
Senkan Nagato To Hentai Teitoku: Volume 1 – Volume 2
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(170 MB, 96 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the image dimensions were, respectively, 3643 px, 3000 px and 2000 px.
The zip shrank from 170 MB to 44 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Hey Oliver, many of the posts for a little while don’t show the first image in your posts for some reason. Not sure if this is happening for anything else.
Don’t worry turns out it was Adblock blocking certain images.
Ah ?
I may need to do something about it, though.
I don’t have that issue, so I had no idea it would happen.
– Please, can you be cool enough to give me a small list of the posts that are concerned ?
– Additionally, if you’re using the Firefox version of Adblock, can you click the little arrow next to the ABP icon, and ask to view the list of the filtered elements, and copy-paste to me what is the active filter making the images on top of the posts to be blocked ?
Kashima and Nagato are awesome ^^ Thank you very much MintVoid, Desudesu and Anonymous ^^ Also thanks a lot Oliver for small version:)
From Kojima It s weird you didn t mention this almost fully translated tank :
which [url=]Betsuni Jokyoushi Ga Ota Demo Ii Deshou[/url] and [url=]Denpa Gaaru Futago was included[/url]
My antispam engine went crazy apparently -_-
Just saw your comment in the spam folder, sorry, busy restoring it and quite a few others -_-
In cases like this, when a manga is almost fully done, I consider it a waste of time to prepare an incomplete share. Time is the one thing I’m lacking most, you know, sadly. So, rather than prepare a manga, and have to re-prepare it some weeks alter, in such a situation, I skip on sharing it and wait for it to be fully done