Pack of 2 nice Tales Of The Abyss hentai doujinshi [English], by the mangaka Shinsen Gokuraku

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

A woman masturbating, that is sometimes MORE erotic than heterosexual action: she didn't need pushing into sex, she went for it herself... see the idea ?

Shinsen Gokuraku has joined the ranks of the artists for whom I don’t even bother reading what has been released before I proceed to downloading it. I know it’s going to be good :twisted:

Here are two of his works in which, as always, Jade teases Natalia and they have excellent sex together, loving each other and confirming their feelings every few pages. One of those works is new, the other, well, I had completely forgotten about it but there it was, on my disk, so let’s share it too :lol:
Those two works are:
Blind Princess: that one had SPLENDID drawings, and Natalia’s costume, was… HNNNNG!!
Sweet Candy Machine : more average, but still good, and also full of WAFF

We owe those two releases to Shinko, AtomicPuppy, NonShade, Scremaz, Lotornomiko, Novaren, Akito80, Wehasband and Vilis, from the EHCove. Thank you dearly :)

For a lot more, don’t miss The list of Shinsen Gokuraku’s works on Hentairules!

Complete pictures galleries:
Blind PrincessSweet Candy Machine

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(57 MB, 60 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
I made you a half-smaller version.
The images of the Blind pricess volume were around 3000 px: they were shrunk to 1600 px; while the images of Sweet Candy Machine, that were already in 1600 px, were simply slightly recompressed.
Actually, I imagined we’d achieve an even smaller file size, but, well, from 57 MB to 25 MB, it’s already something maybe :)
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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8 years ago

I guess “Death by D’AWWW x HNNNGGG” is fine, too – and works like these should be classed as a Lethal Weapon, if not a Weapon Of Mass Destruction.

8 years ago

I’ll think of another term and, if it comes, post it later.