Twist Black [English], by Ganmarei (Also Known As Gamma Ray)
Huhu. This is a good piece of WTF, amusing and intense ^_^
We have a highly delusional female MC, who manages to make the confusion of her life and ends up in an orgy scene. Things could have been real ugly with a “normal” woman, but this time, having lost contact with reality helped our heroine and things ended somehow well for her
I know I’m being vague, but the comedy relief would be wasted, should I be too specific. Sit back, don’t ask too much from the manga (you’ll be pretty glad when it exceeds your expectations), and go on, read it! =)
Dammon, MrWayne, Axalon, Shoku and Dark Mac, from CasaWayne, are behind this release, thank you!
By the same artist, under the pen names Ganmarei and Gamma Ray, I also share Chishiki No Katsubou and Paved With Good Intentions.
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Hey, another work by Crazy Eyes Works! If anything, I’m sad because the mask hid parts of the wacko expressions, but still a decent dose ^^
As you noted yourself (I’m probably in a minority for caring about that), this artist’s name is definitely Gamma Ray.
Punny pseudos ought to be transcribed properly.
Thing is: the same name is used everywhere I see it.
As in most cases, I go for consensus…
But I’ll remember to update the post to mention it.
The anime version of Eyes Wide Shut coming soon to a theater near you.