Shibatsu Chokugeki Kawaii Ko Ni Sarete Yogarasareru Ore (“Divine Punishment! I was turned into a cute girl who gets raped!”) [English], by Reiha

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

A bad story, but a kind of GOOD bad story.

Not bad. Not for faps, but for a feeling of revenge. This manga is about a scum man, used to raping women. Heavens judge him and turn him into a woman fated to be raped all the time.
The drawing quality is not perfect, but frankly I mostly read that one with an angry grin, imagining the same would be happening to the male characters in the rape mangas that left traces in my memory :evil:

Credits are for Sky and Desudesu, thank you!

By the same artist, I also share Nikubou Wa Itsuka Uragiru TS De and Yakujin-sama No Yasashiki Netori.

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8 years ago

Dayum that is old testament god, not forgiving new testament

Schuyler Thorpe
8 years ago

If there is a heaven and it judges every child molester, rapists, or women killer’s and turns them into women…? Karma…I love you. :)

Schuyler Thorpe
8 years ago

“Where’s my cock?”–and THAT is what I love most about this manga: The guy getting it in the end (literally speaking) and finding out that God is a woman (YES!) and delivering said punishment on this sack of shit.

(I gave this manga 4 stars just for that.)

8 years ago

If only the art were great..this would be an epic manga.

8 years ago

Personally, not a lover of rape (“hentai” or otherwise), but I have to agree with the scenario:

… AND payback is the MOTHER of all bitches.

7 years ago

Hammurabi would be proud.

3 years ago

“I mostly read that one with an angry grin, imagining the same would be happening to the male characters in the rape mangas that left traces in my memory :evil:”

So . . . I noticed this around the time of Redo of Healer’s latest episode (ep 6) . . .