Tobikkiri No Senkan VS Senkan [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Nanakorobi Yaoki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

I know I could have picked another picture with hardcore action, but I REALLY loved her face in that one

Iowa and Yamato rival over who will be their Admiral’s favorite. Without being a wuss, the Admiral is clearly no match for those girls who take total control of the situation when they’re with him.
We have one-on-one action followed by the typical threesome-battle over who will please most the blessed male subject. Drawings-side, there are proud huge breasts, bold female faces with confident eyes, vaginal and paizuri sex, with only little censorship, to my great surprise (more accurately: Admiral’s dick is in full-whiteout, but the girl’s genitalia hardly get one not too thick blar bar. Go figure ^^).

Thanks to Cgrascal for this release! :jap:

By the same artist, Kinntarou, circle Nanakorobi Yaoki, I also share Saimin Shinsatsu (“Hypnotic Treatment”, 179 pictures), Musashi-Ryu Seikyouiku, Female Fighter Gangbang Round, Nikuyoku Chikan Sharyou, I Want Yukarin To Devour Me and Delicious Head Maid.

Side note: the Admiral’s face in the upper-right of page 13… Oh god lol.

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8 years ago

I believe “Nanakorobi Yaoki” is a circle of the author “kinntarou”.

8 years ago

I love how Oliver doesn’t even bat an eye at the fact that one of the girls is supposed to be this: