Biribiri Misakichi [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Majutsu No Index series, by Fukuyama Naoto

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Arousing even with my current disappointment against the mangaka

Misaka and Shokuhou decide to cheer Touma Kamijou up (the poor bloke is always complaining about misfortune despite being in a de facto harem king position), dress up as maids, and wake him up with surprise sex.
The story is cute and all, playing with Misaka’s relative lack of experience and of daring, as opposed to Shokuhou’s dazzling sluttiness, and Fukuyama Naoto’s drawing talent is real. However I’m not quite fond of the art, in the end, when it went full ahegao, eventually it’s becoming – in my biased eyes – ridiculous.

Credits are for MHM and Tigoris, thank you again! :jap:

(Remember to view the updated list of ALL Fukuyama Naoto’s works on Hentairules!)

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8 years ago

“…the poor bloke is always complaining about misfortune despite being in a de facto harem king position”

Eh-heh-heh … it’s probably because the “de facto harem king” position to date only exists for Kamijou in fanfiction works, and/or H-doujins like this one. Plus, I doubt many of us would avail ourselves of works like this just to see him suffering from misfortune.

7 years ago
Reply to  MHM

OOOOOH … as of some time now, an uncensored version has been released on FAKKU.

8 years ago

Yes! More Shokuhou!

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
8 years ago

For some reason I’ve lost interest in reading doujins featuring Shokuhou, even those from great artists like Fukuyama Naoto (this doujin) and SAZ/Soba. :(

8 years ago

Heh-heh ….. “saturation” of the viewspace, perhaps (if so, I probably have to {ahem} “take responsibility”) ;)

Perhaps it’s time for – lacking another description – a new face (and body) to appear in doujins featuring the Tou-MAN, and if so, here’s my first choice:×600/img-master/img/2015/06/09/22/08/50/50812990_p0_master1200.jpg


8 years ago

“…the poor bloke is always complaining about misfortune despite being in a de facto harem king position”

To be fair, he’s not complaining about misfortune…he literally has nothing but that because that’s the way his “superpowers” work. Sure he’s the harem king, but that sort of sucks when you can’t “get lucky” at all. XD

8 years ago

Ahegaos. Ahegaos.
I don’t mind because I like this, but it’s still off putting to see that their faces remain the same all over the pages. As if they had 20 vibrators inside of them at any time.