Boku No Bokki Penis O Rokuga Shite Ikina Yo (“Go Ahead and Film My Hard Penis”) chapter 2, + the chapters 1-2 in another Zip file [English], by Shiwasu No Okina
–Update: this post has become obsolete.
From now on, please follow this link, for the chapters 1-6 (the series is now complete.)
By now, one couldn’t blame Yuzuhara for getting super turned on from seeing all this action “live and direct”, but at the same time, she’s probably thinking:
BTW, saw some text referring to an OVA based on “Nudist Beach Ni Shuugakuryokou De” – might be worth checking out; even if in all likelihood, it’s censored like a mo-fo.
The Nudist Beach OVA is terrible. Art style is truly screwed up, animation quality is pretty low. The plot was ruined. A motion comic like Queen Bee would have been preferable, and that’s saying something.
Duly Noted – will approach with caution.
Sigh, I was fearing as such redirected to and then and started some audio soundbyte talking about some W32 virus… not something I’m happy to hear from my favorite H-site :/
I should resist the temptation to write it, because you’re clearly a victim, but… LOL!
Sorry for you mate, but, you know, shit like that happens. It must have been a “bad advertiser” as it happens here and there on the internet, managing to inject a script to redirect the page and the like :/
Nudist Beach Ni Shuugakuryokou – how going with uncensored work? can’t wait.
BTW love Shiwasu No Okina.his art is simpel amazing.
Last I checked, (about 10 days ago) things were about half way done.