Shoujo No Toge ~No Girl Without A Thorn~ + 8P Shousasshi [English, 222 pictures], by Hisasi
I’m almost short on words to describe this volume.
Shoujo No Toge is a manga made of numerous chapter-long stories, all of them are made of sweet vanilla hentai, with deep or superficial liking. There are all kinds of girls; in body: flat or super busty, slim to plump, hourglass figure or not; and in character: from calm to passionate, from dominating to submissive, from tsundere to determined…
I only occasionally felt deeply moved, but every time, still, those were smiles and elation that I felt.
As for the drawings… We’re with tank scans, which means quality and moderate censorship. Frequent nearly opaque black bar censorship is a bother, but it’s much better than whiteout.
Those boobs, hips, asses, and on top of all, those faces!!
Hisasi is a god-level master, no less.
Thanks a LOT to all the involved parties, I’m grateful! I know there are Nandeyanen and Palaxius from Life4Kaoru; Blurk, Tornomer, Nashrakh, Altereggo and Gurumao, from Team Vanilla; Runan92, Azu-tan and Conanak99 from VlTrans, I wonder if there wouldn’t be also Facedesk, and perhaps Cgrascal (one chapter had bad grammar)… If someone has all names, I’ll gladly update my post.
But wait ! There’s more. Cf The List of Hisasi’s Works on HentaiRules!
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(180 MB, 222 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
And now, the Collectors corner.
Several of my past shares on Hentairules have now become obsolete, as they’re recompiled inside the present share.
Which comes with two benefits: (1) the links are live again if ever they died, and, more importantly, (2) we’re now talking about TANK SCANS, while most of the old stuff came with horrible full-whiteout-censorship magazine scans.
If you want to clean up your collection, here are the works that I used to share as standalone posts, that have now become part of Shoujo No Toge:
– A Small Stream
– Bosom Full Of Love
– Fui Ni Ai
– Kimi Ni Ai
– Heartbreak Happiness
– Maid in Secret
– Natsumari No Yoru
– Sis-Con
– Stay With Me Miu
– Swimming Love
Thanks for the share and thank you to all those who were involved with the translation of this tank!
A Hisasi share! Thank the Hentai Gods!!!
And Oliver too.
A Hisasi tank? I didn´t expect that, thank you very much Oliver
Missing two pages in chapter 13 ( and Also missing the inner cover ( and here is the full cover ( which is contained, in all things, the Korean translation!
(your comment was in the possible pam folder)
How’ll you manage those missing pages, oliver (will you update the archive content and re-submit it)?
The (side)story about yuzuki and wakamatsu is a forehead-slap of humour♥! LOL XD
Giga thanks *mother ffff..finger up
Both, actually, Mosca
It would be silly to force you guys to redownload everything, so I’ll (1) offer a zip with only the new files, and (2) update the complete manga I’m sharing with the new elements.
The tricky part will be the naming. I guess i’ll do something like, appending to image100.jpg, image100b.jpg, image100c.jpg, you see the idea.
do you know whether there are plans to update the missing pages or if it’s kinda stalled?
No idea at all, Fiio.
I already commissioned the missing pages from Distance’s latest tank from Desu, I don’t know when he’ll be done with them.
If worst comes to worst and nobody’s taken care of Hisasi’s missing pages, I might commission them. But after I have the few pages missing from Distance’s tank.
i can’t visit any of your links, bug.
Let me guess, you see a panda? A sad panda?
I’ll let you google it, it’s a simple trick
Thanks !!
Are you gonna do a small version ??
No, please don’t! This size is deserves for its quality. Please don’t ruin it. For this kind of jewelry, this i won’t begging for re-compressed quality. Also because there are quite plenty of colourful picture, right master olive?
Eponymous, it’s not ruining as long as I’m also offering the original version.
You may not know how horrible it is when you have capped internet and you must spend the last 7 days of the month with a limit of 300 MB on how much you can still download, for instance, lest you want to face a heavy financial penalty.
You may not know how horrible it feels when your internet is so bad that you get in average a connexion reset every 10 minutes, and every download faces a random chance of being axed, a chance growing exponentionally strong over time, forcing you to re-try the download from the beginning?
Sure, it’s becoming rarer, but it still happens.
I had that, in the beginning. I haven’t forgotten the horror. And I believe my smaller versions make a HUGE difference for the poor folks who are still in a predicament like that.
I also like the smaller versions so I can fit more of the awesome shares you post on my hard drive! Keep it up!
I didn’t have anymore time yesterday, sharing that volume and updating the links to the old posts took a lot of time, I rushed it miraculously already. And today I learned there were pages, in the original version, that haven’t been translated (scroll up for the comments about it.)
In that case, for the moment I don’t make a smaller version, I’ll wait for the really final version of the manga before I make it. Sorry, but with that, I’m saving myself lots of precious time.
You have to tell me this is just a dream or some illution, Oliver! What is going on tonight? Is it a celebration day or something over there?? These share, especially on June 18th, all of it was an oasis. REJOICE!! BANZAAAIIII…!!!
Thank you for every people involved in these shares.
now ‘save page’ it for offline records.
Some days are great, yeah ^^
Actually I could have shared the Shiwasu one yesterday, but I didn’t have enough time to finish preparing that post the other day. I prioritize the real world first.
Once I see notice that missing pages are either available or inserted, D/L FUNCTION, ACTIVATE!
For Now …..
Well, they’re still either in Japanese, or with magazine tanks, right? (I’m so lazy I didn’t check, but it follows logic, the chapters that I was previously sharing and that are now in tank scans in the present share, were formerly in magazine scans versions).
Meaning, sorry mate, we’ll have to wait ^^
I’ll be already trying to help with the five missing pages from Distance’s tank, if Desudesu doesn’t respond to me by monday, I’ll ask my other friendly translators
recompressed version please
See some replies I made above to tell why there won’t be one for the moment, sorry!
its hisasi the one that have a story of a guy that go to the weding of the girl he loves but in the end he just fucks the bride’s sister? xD
From book ‘Porno Switch’ → 11th chapter ‘The One Who Wouldn’t Leave Me Behind’
some of the speech balloons are empty (not talking about sound effect ones)
– first page of give you me
– second page of stay with miu
– 4th page of kimi ni ai
– 7th page of natsumari no yoru (all of them)
Amazing Hisasi work. Sankyuu Oliver-san!