Fuuka To Wakuwaku Chikan Densha (“Fuuka and a Train of Excited Molesters “) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Yotsuba-to series, by Black Dog

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

There are no brakes on the chikan train! - figure of speech, fortunately.

Fuuka, the highschooler in the a-do-ra-ble Yotsuba-to manga, rides the train, and doesn’t realize she boarded the chikan car.
Chikan follows.

We meet the usual Black Dog idiosyncrasies: the resolutely non-dramatic mood (all in all, it feels good, it’s not a problem, might as well shamefully enjoy it, and no big deal once it’s over with even an option to perhaps have at it again in the future), the faptastic drawings, the faces flushed with intense pleasure, the hourglass figure, the intense action, the feeling you’re with an extremely skilled mangaka…
Haa, it was good, and I don’t care if that was a forced sex scenario, I’d forgive almost anything from Black Dog :D

We owe this release to enough people to make a football team: Brolen and Svines85 for B.E.C. Scans, Powergenie for the raws, Rhudson765 for the commissioning, with also Dynellen, Dap00, Akira7622, BrainSucks, Over Eh, Hopebringer and Sonnymafia. Thank you! :jap:

(Remember to view the updated list of ALL Black Dog’s shares on Hentairules)

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