Redirection Page : the works by Saida Kazuaki (A.K.A. Tridisaster) on HentaiRules
Here is the page where I’m listing all the works by Saida Kazuaki that I share on Hentairules.
Saida Kazuaki is one of those hentai mangakas leaving you with vivid memories of his creations.
An extremely sharp drawing skill, rich with tons of details, not just in the genitalia, but also in the bodies, the outfits, the richly varied facial expressions. And strongly contrasted stories, from very sugary vanilla to darkly fascinating rape-ish themes in which bodies and minds are fucked alike, with always a kink. A good deal of the mangaka’s works are blessed with a very original knack for comedy, to make it better in my eyes
I’m listing first the covers (mandatory warning: some covers might be missing from here, image links die sometimes), and, once you scroll down, the complete list.
Kui Communication [English, 210 pictures, Uncensored!]
Koujo Ryoujoku AHAN [English, 214 pictures]
Pattsun X2 [English, 202 pictures]
Note: the chapters 1 and 3 are Uncensored.
Also: I occasionally accidentally wrote the title as Pattson or Patsun. Sorry if it caused problems in your collection!
Virgin Hunt [English, 177 pictures]
Paipain [English, 187 pictures]
Inran Saddle (“Lewd Saddle”) [English]
Nandemo Iu Koto Kikimasu Kara [English]
Pussies E Youkoso! [English]
(“Welcome To Pussies!”)