Sex Harem [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying The Idolm@ster game, by Katsurai Yoshiaki
“Sex harem“.
Phiew. I am relieved. What if it had been Reading books harem. Or Mahjong harem.
OK, OK, a bit more seriousness in my description. The producer in The Idolm@ster finds all his idols confessing they’re in love with him and they agreed to share. The rest is porn, lol.
There’s a “dark” dimension to this, stemming from the non-symmetric relationship. The girls used to be in love (soon enough, they’re just vaginaballs made of lust), the producer sees them as fuckable livestock to turn into his proper bitches.
I don’t see something praisable in brainwashing a cute girl into being proud to declare she’s a masochistic pig, but, hey, to each his own, right?
Release credits are for Doujin-Moe, thank you!
For plenty more, see The list of Katsurai Yoshiaki’s works on Hentairules!
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‘Nuff Said.
The theme isn’t up to my preference, but with Katsurai Yoshiaki as the artist, I’ll take anything.
Uh, I think Page 5 is meant to be an earlier page (page 3?)