Monzetsu Taigatame ~ Count 3 de Ikasete Ageru (“Faint in Agony Bodylock ~ I’ll make you cum on the count of 3”) [English, 247 pictures], by Yoshimura Tatsumaki
Well. That’s what I call an hentai UFO. But a good UFO, hehe
Sorry for the small number of shares since I got back, I had – and still have, urgh – lots of things on which to catch up. But I’m getting back to preparing shares at least… it’s weird, it’s taking time of course, to prepare shares, but I feel so much better when I can share what I like, that I am in a much better mood for the whole next day, I guess it’s a win-win in terms of productivity ^^;;
The male hero in this share in a non-standard harem situation. He’s small but virile, and doesn’t trust women because of a past betrayal. Around him: female wrestlers, tall, muscular, violent women. And, for some reason, he will have to pretend to be a female wrestler too, and have lots of fighting and sex with these women.
On the one hand: there is violence against both genders, domination, and you got to be tolerant to muscle and looots of meat.
But on the other hand: this never becomes femdom, and I found myself, to my great surprise, actually LIKING the story and the variety of female characters. They were loveable, original… Let’s add the successful additional of a small romance, woot!
Graphically: tons of paizuri and vaginal sex, a bit of anal and footjob, mostly one-on-one action with bits of threesome or group time. Muscles, meat, very little censorship, rare ahegaos. Good stuff all in all.
That was weird, but it’s one of those mangas I’m damn glad I could read, in the end. I hope you may enjoy reading it too! ^_^
Thanks a LOT to Drozetta, Brolen, Dynellen, Svines85 from BEC Scans and Salar!
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Seikou Doumei, Yome No Iroke Ga Tsuyosugiru, Ane-san Nyoubou, Hime-sama No Sakusei Skill, Drunk Dancer, its sequel Tadatada Tadareta, a pack of 4 works (Mochihada chapters 1-2-3-8-9 + Now What + Puppet Master + Tokuresen Taboubi) and And The Day Broke.
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Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(615 MB, 247 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 615 MB to 107 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
This is not my usual fare, but I kind of like it myself. I just chucked it up to being something a little different for a change.
FYI the Depositfiles and Rapidshare links for the smaller and original versions have switced places
Ah, my bad! Fixed, thanks for the heads-up =)
Monzetsu? I’m surprised this is not a John K Peta manga, he’s the one to systematically use that word in his titles.
Yeah, at first, I also felt the title looked extremely suspicious
That’s the “fainting in agony” part (monzetsu).
As you can see, plenty of authors aside from JKP can use that title.
I liked it a lot
Would have been a bit better if the girls had shown up at the ‘fuck party’ he was subjected to for a nice last panel of the girls cracking their knuckles and the group just going ‘oh shit!’
Stuff to share you have? Yay! Bye the bye, didja get that thing I sent you? Sent by message via Twitter this time. Feedback welcome!
I’m terribly sorry, I postpone answering all the time. I have more time today, so let’s get onto this ^^
I got the image, but once it looks good in small size, in full size I have gotten this weird impression, that the font is too thin and doesn’t pack enough weight, enough impact.
In full-size, I’m more fond of the current font.
How to say, I pictured it on top of the blog, and it became a huuuuuuge white space, with just a frail-looking typography in the middle, surrounded by white space and two cuties.
I wonder, you don’t recognize which font is it, right? If not, it might be worth a shot?
The font in your logo… I’ve searched and searched and researched fonts. I can change font no problem, a bigger and more space filling font. I can likely even find a similar font to the original. But I haven’t been able to find that font, and not for lack of trying.
As for the font I did use, well, I kinda like the clean open spaces. But that’s just my asthetic sense. I’ll redo.
Who do you think he actually chose when he said he was going to choose someone?
Oh and thanks for the file share and downgrade in file size seeing as it was a nightmare otherwise.
RIP body and big boobs… my kind of girl~~
Really wish there was some Impregnation/Pregnant sex… Always enjoy me some baby making!
Browsed Chapter 1 – it looks interesting enough to try out. Any further comment from me comes after I finish it.
No news since then. The trauma must have been violent
‘..on the count of 3’
does it contain hypnosis? (remind me of Tsukino Jyogi)
It’s a reference to the 3 count of show wrestling, if the judge counts to three while the opponent is pinned then the match ends.
I love this
Good read, decent sex. It’s the second best female wrestling hentai I’ve read. Little heads and big bodies were weird though.