Mitsu Ni Muragaru Mushi (“Insects That Gathered Around the Honey”) [English, 209 pictures], by Takasugi Kou
I lack time to prepare shares lately, but this one, I had to share it ASAP. A tank, by one of the MILF master, Takasugi Kou
Honest warning, when dealing with women between 35 and 50 (here, the heroine – it’s a single-story volume – is presented as being around 40), the mangaka represents them quite beautifully, but realistically: you’ll find plumpness, sagging, bellies won’t be flat surfaces. But as a trade, we have highly polished and accomplished drawing skill, excellent breasts, subtle and very intense facial expressions (occasionally reminding me of the drawings by Tohru Nishimaki), beautiful eyes, intense vaginal action with very little censorship.
The story, on the other hand, explores a topic I’m not fond of, however it’s doing it with a wealth of intelligence, quite unlike most stories in that niche in which women are usually treated like despicable shit. It’s the story of a housewife blackmailed into being the sexual partner of a mischievous highschool boy. He dominates her and has sex with her, and just like there are two sides to a same coin, there are two ways to depict what follows.
Either the woman is liberated from her stifling unsatisfactory life, in which she became hardly more than domestic furniture, and she once again becomes an individual through the inebriating practice of lewd taboo acts… or you can say, alternatively, that she is mindbroken into losing all sight of what matters, that she should have asked for help before she became just a proud cum dump.
How shall you decide to view it?
Thanks to Desudesu and Anonymous for this release!
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As usual with Takasugi Kou, the artwork for the women’s body is nice. But the plots are either enjoyable, or complete and utter shit.
This one falls under the complete and utter shit category.
I know most people will decide it’s the complete shit route – heck, myself included – but that story commanded my respect: it IS possible to decide to understand it otherwise. That was written with intelligence
This release was from desudesu and commissioned by anonymous.
Ah? Thank you!
Usually Desu adds a credits mention somewhere, but maybe I missed it. I’ll update the post momentarily
If this happened in the real world I would never choose to get married.
I imagine that can happen in Japan, when the marital bond can be very weak and in which women can be hardly more than domestic furniture.
In france we have an expression, “le démon de midi”, the devil of noon, to describe that feeling that reaches people who are at the age of 40 and who realize they never made something crazy or dangerous in life, and are tempted to cheat on their spouse, change job, question their life choices, and so on.
In this story, applying it to Japan, the temptation would be extremely stronger…
It is a part of the human psyche. Everyone always wishes they took the other path in their mid life(ie Mid Life Crisis). I worked with elderly in University, and I actually asked a number of people what they regret.
People who chose careers told me they wished they had a family at the end. People who chose family say they wish they could have followed their career dream and their family stifled them, pretty much everyone disliked their spouse/partner and wished they had left them(This is what led me to believe that love and relationships are farce and a short term thing only. Why I won’t ever marry, it is a lie. It is just an attraction between people biologically induced to push them to create offspring).
Basically humans will always want more, until they die. Satisfaction doesn’t occur long term.
As for this, while I agree that breaking out of being domestic furniture is a good thing, she just traded one slavery for another. She isn’t free to do what SHE wants, she was tricked into doing what HE wants, and thinking this is what she wants. Breaking out of being in a stifling, boring, monogamous relationship is good, even becoming very sexually promiscuous is fine, but she just traded one overlord for another and his desires.
To me anyways.
Oh, I also meant to say, regardless of her hating being a mother, she still has at least a financial obligation to that child until he is an adult.
There are plenty of women who cheat, and, duh, men who cheat. But it seems the core of this woman’s problems are dissatisfaction with her married life, with sexual dissatisfaction playing a large part of that problem.
It is a crime against manhood for a woman to be left sexually unsatisfied by her husband (obviously severe medical issues are an issue, and I’m not talking about impotence…even if you’ve got a limp dick, you’ve got fingers, lips and tongue to get her to happyland).
Keep her happy there, and at least you won’t have that be an issue (it doesn’t guarantee no cheating, but it does make sure that lack of a good sex life isn’t the reason for it).
>It is a crime against manhood for a woman to be left sexually unsatisfied by her husband (obviously severe medical issues are an issue, and I’m not talking about impotence…even if you’ve got a limp dick, you’ve got fingers, lips and tongue to get her to happyland).
Just so you know, hands and mouth aren’t a long term solution. I know of two situations where a guy couldn’t get an erection(One didn’t even have a penis) and their wives left them eventually. Women need cock, and they can only go so long without one. It is a biological drive they have no control over.
It’s a bit of both but since it’s hentai it’s mainly the mind-broken tralalala. Now in real life , the Japanese stereotype of the sexless and loveless marriage is far more common in our society than we would like to believe , it’s more of the first since the whole degradation of humanity that is the mind-broken is more of a misogynistic fantasme than anything else . I have been with women in those kind of marriage , some who felt guilt at cheating at their husband some who indeed felt liberated , most of the time it’s a mixture of both but it remind you that sex and love while two different thing are both complex and simple as long as there is respect .
Marriage itself is just a contract .
Well written
Well in that case I hoep ur wife cheats on you too in a well fucked way
And please, try better insults, it feels like you’re not even trying.
Look, even a “yo mama” joke, such as “yo mama’s the largest seed bank” would be more impressive than that.
Beautiful—ly censored! i’m alive again!!
Nice again, oliver.
Ah, come on, the censorship could have been a hell lot worse
Especially compared to most Takasugi works
I’m normally all over anything done by Takasugi Kou, but not this one. Almost as a big a disappointment as Yuzuki N’s new NTR work.
This time the story seems kinda half-baked to me. In many of his other stories the mangaka develops the characters( both male and female) but this time we get none of that. No real reason why she is unhappy( boredom doesn’t cut it for me) nor why this boy is the little shit he is. Nor do we see anything of the husband and son, really(with the exception of the husband sleeping thru the ntr, literally.)
A common theme found in Victorian erotica is the “liberating” rape of the virgin, the good girl. Since it was rape, it’s not her fault that she lost her virginity, and therefore not her fault that her sexuality has been released. This would then result in one of two things happening: The woman becomes empowered with her sexuality, or a slave to it.
What we have here is mindbreak. As Lim excellently said, she’s traded one enslavement for another. Yes, this woman’s marriage has evolved into a seemingly sexless marriage, and one where she has rarely had an orgasm with her spouse. Now, Takasugi Kou has written both types, where the woman becomes empowered and where the woman becomes enslaved. We have a complete enslavement route here, with it ending with her admitting it’s only a matter of time before she’s discovered, which will destroy her family and her marriage, but she’s only living in the moment, with it ending with her getting fucked by random strangers in a men’s toilet in a park at night.
Instead of awakening to the wonderful power of her sexuality, she’s been enslaved by it. And we also end with the little shit out to ruin another woman.
Daaaaamn, I wish I were able to write as you two did. You found the perfect words, and expressed it in a manner I doubt I’ll ever reach.
General, your mention of victorian erotica surprised me. A lot. I wouldn’t have imagined this kind of story had an history, so to say…
i generally like Takasugi Kou’s work. This one was complete shit though.