Fusuma Zenpen [English], by Ashimoto Yoika
I like uncomplicated hentai, but I prefer it when sex is more than just copulation.
However, that also leaves the door open for “disturbing hentai”, when sex is the sesame to the discovery of people’s hidden true faces, when the pure gets corrupted and the falsely honest reveals a twisted, evil grin.
I certainly can’t say I love it, but, hey, at least that’s a change of pace, right?
Thanks to CgRascal for this release, and, well, see for yourselves what the story is about, I don’t want to make a spoiler. As for the drawings: medium-grade censorship (thick black bars), and two women, the busty MILF-looking mother, and the not-so-pure highschool age daughter, each with a different man, each loving sex.
Inb4 someone asks: “zenpen” means “first part” (next are Chuuhen+Kouhen. So, hopefully, it will get better? Just kidding, I’m not even sure I’ll want to share more of this story as it can only get much, much worse, we’ll see if and where more comes.
By the same artist, I also share Tekubi Ni Honno Sukoshi Dake, Tonarigumi and Ishiki No Takai Shoukoshu (“Highly Conscious Tentacles”).
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Oh fuck :l