Sister Crisis volume 3 [English], + the volumes 1-2-3 repacked together, by Bakuretsu Fusen
A young kid has been adopted into the family of his neighbours after his parents passed away, and developed an especially close relationship with their daughter, who became like a sister to him. Now that they’ve reached adulthood, at long last, they have become lovers, which makes it a successful combination of wincest AND sex between childood friends
Dear fellow hentaiers, here is, after a two years long wait (the volume 2 was shared in september 2014), the third volume of Sister Crisis! =)
Forget about a scenario in this volume, it’s just more sex, first vaginal, then anal (this is the Bakuretsu Fusen magic, anal sex flows as naturally as vaginal sex). The drawings are good, and the girl’s breasts are nothing short of extraordinary.
Behind these releases, are CaptCarisma and Peteparrot for the volumes 1-2, followed by Biribiri, PureEnergy and Doujin-Moe for the volume 3, thank you very much!
But wait! There’s more! Check it out, The list of Bakuretsu Fusen’s works!
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Galleries:
Volume 1 – Volume 2 – Volume 3
I share 4 zips. In 2 pairs.
– First pair, for Sister Crisis: Volume 3 (26 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, a version in which I shrunk the images from slightly above 3000 px px to 1600 px, the file size fell from 68 MB to 11 MB, 57 MB smaller!
– Second pair, for my repack of Sister Crisis volumes 1, 2 and 3 (74 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, my “made smaller” version (shrinking the images to 1600 px saved us 131 MB, from 162 MB to 31 MB!)
– Sister Crisis: Volume 3!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– Sister Crisis Volumes 1-3!
Fulll-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Just pointing out that theres 2 “volume 3” links. Thanks for the share!
Not sure what’s wrong, Edwin.
Two volume 3 links, two volumes 1-3 links. Full size, smaller size.
Some mistake I made anywhere? Do tell, please
The volume 2 gallery link is named “volume 3.”
Now I see. Fixed.
Thank you very much, Styrek and Edwin!
WINCEST, F.T.W.! ….. sometimes you get straight to the point.
Also, a mother who seems cool with “step-wincest” is fine, too.
I’ve waited sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn long for this to get translated and it’s finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those boobs are perfect and that ass isn’t bad either!!!! But what’s up with the big heads in the flash back part? Shit, who cares. I want more!!!! Bring on the mom!!!!
That’s because hentai mangakas have no idea how to draw children, most of the time ^____^
Well, they are not exactly siblings, neither biologically nor adoptively, once they were raised together but always knowing they were not “childhood friends.” That said, let them fuck at will. And the girl’s mother only worried if they were taking any sort of contraceptive or not is more usual than many people believe.