Parasite Queen [English], by Fan No Hitori
–Update: this share is now obsolete, as its contents are from now on available in the Parasite Queen complete tank.
That tankoubon, Parasite Queen, is available in two versions: Parasite Queen: Edited For Content version, and Parasite Queen: complete tank version (193 pictures).
What if I told you I read this already before? And DAT ASS but…. this parasite shit tho…. no
Shall we break out the orbital bombardment once again (mwa-ha-ha-ha-haa)?
OK, this time, napalm wouldn’t be suited.
You sure didn’t deter me, ha !
Anyway, thanks for the repack, and I hope you’ll do the same for the next chapters when they’re eventually translated.
Love it when posters tend to only read Vanilla bore fests but then post something they hate.
Hate isn’t the right word.
I hate lots of things. But that one deserved to become something I loathe with every fiber in my being. Attacked me from every angle.
In itself, that’s a praisable feat.
Also: ask yourself if you would prefer neutral descriptions.
That would be boring as fuck.
And would have no merit in existing.
My descriptions reflect my feelings, they aren’t a call to share them. You’re quite welcome to feel exactly the opposite, and then when you see me praising a manga, just move on you know you’ll dislike it
I think the trick to enjoy this is to self-insert as the spermatozoid-looking parasite.