My Dear Maid [English, now in FULL TANK SCANS, woot!, 212 pictures], by Takatsu
Well, that was a great ride: boys, girls, here is the complete My Dear Maid tank
The manga is about a young rich boy, looking younger than his highschool age, abandoning his family manor to live alone in a commoner’s flat. Dear, as is called his tanned busty maid, follows him, they make an odd but quality couple, the maid’s poker face and the boy’s tsundere manners can’t hide they’ve got a thing for each other. Later, a pure-bred ojou-sama with thick eyebrows joins, followed by the boy’s mom, because, I don’t know, because hentai ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The ending goes full vanilla, with a “happy forever ever after” conclusion. At last, feelings (and not just of lust) are confessed, tenderness is shown, it was cute.
The end comes with a plot twist I would have never seen coming, good job Takatsu-sensei ^_^
There’s a slight note of comedy, good drawings, tanned skin, a threesome, vanilla, if not for the shota (Takatsu does us a Takatsu, frequently screwing up his drawings and making the male hero suddenly look like a grade schooler during sex O_o) and mother themes, I’d be totally fine with it, huhu.
Updated, February 2017: this is now a TANK version. We can kiss the dreadful censorship goodbye
Thanks a lot to Kuma-pun and Svines85 for this new version reedit and the addition of a tankoubon-exclusive new chapter! ^_^
To view the difference it makes: Before! … aaaaaaaaaaaand… AFTER!
Credits are for Dynellen and Gludir as the generous commissioners, Lovepupils, Drozetta, JFJF552, Alex68785, Scagli, Kuma-punGenit, The RobotsGhost, Svines85 from B.E.C. Scans, SXIndy27/tsukuyomi, and Salar from HentaiCore. Thank you very much, all of you!!!
–Update: the manga now has a bonus chapter, “My Dear Maid One Day“.
For MORE, I recommend you The list of Takatsu/Takatu’s works on HentaiRules
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(308 MB, 212 pictures, English)
(Side note, I allowed myself to recompress that version I’m sharing. Originally, it came as a 630 MB zip, something that I judge as exceedingly, and uselessly, big. Now recompressed, it’s only taking 308 MB – half smaller!! – and you won’t be able to spot a single difference at all with the naked eye.)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 308 MB to 93 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Oliver Takatsu already made a story involving an adult male MC. The main story/arc of Demon hentai shrine of a hundred Wives( tho it did get eclipsed by the three chapters of a succubus dominating a shota…)
DAT REVELATION in the Final chapter:
Still, the ending was cute enough – although the mother-son (and incoming father-daughter) incest part creeped me out a bit; haven’t yet been able to accept that.
*Sigh* It has been a long wait, but it was worth it. And the ending…as a Perverted-Cat-In-Heat, I’m hoping for a sequel. X3
Oliver, may I ask what program you use to read manga, I use MangaMeeya but some of these pictures cant be opened..
Thank you for upload this :))))
I use ACD See Classic, released in 1995 and still doing the job fine. I dislike that viewer programs don’t want to just do that but pretend to do everything as far as images are even remotely concerned.
ACS See Classic does the job, and nothing else, which perfectly suits me
(except that it will crash with animated gifs, in that case for them I use Xnview.)
Otherwise, if you want a “real” manga viewer, I occasionally use HoneyView.
WTF that ending!
Needs a demon girl tag for good reasons.
That’s one of those cases where exactitude clashes with my hatred for spoilers
Such a good ending. I hope the author does one more chapter with all the girls when the Tankoubon comes out.
You’re missing an extra chapter that hasn’t been translated yet.
Hot as hell!! Thanks Oliver-san!!