Story of the N Situation – Situation #2 Kokoro Utsuri [English], by Mashira-Dou
That story was beautiful, moving, harrowing, it felt *too* realistic, the kind of thing that can happen in real life, in which there is no villain, only humans with their weaknesses, their complex feelings and occasional bursts of courage.
I think I can spill the guts this time: we’re in a concluded love triangle, one girl, two boys, a childhood friend and a new boy who fell in love with the girl and conquered her heart after much effort. The girl was “stolen” by the new boy, and that is entirely due to the childhood friend’s lack of confidence and fear of failure, he didn’t dare to respond to the girl’s open feelings, he prefered to tell himself he wasn’t good enough for her.
It would be very tempting to blame him and call him a faggot, an herbivore, insert any silly insult you like. I can’t agree. He was weak and indecisive, but, hey, aren’t we all, especially at this vulnerable teen age, didn’t we fail many times, us too?
It would be very tempting to hate the new boy, but to the contrary, he was earnest, honest, his feelings are pure and he chose to be courageous even at the risk of losing everything, he deserved the girl more.
As for the girl… she was the most courageous of the three, trying to pull the childhood friend, and deciding she could move on and love the new boy…
Last thing, the title. This “N” letter bothers me. Netorare (cheating on the GF/BF in a manner that leads to him/her knowing it and hurting a lot from it): I can’t agree, at all. Nobody wanted to hurt, or enjoyed it. No existing relation was broken by force. Netori (stealing a BF/GF): well, that, perhaps. The new boy’s courage won the girl’s flickering heart, so, let’s say it’s netori, eventually.
A detail that marked me… The hand she stretches, on page 31, and that is caught, and pressed tightly by her lover… Haa, that was moving. In my eyes, that was shoujo hentai, full of feelings, what mattered was less the porn that the untying of the knot of emotions.
Sorry for the wall of text, hey, I’m me.
Long story short, it’s moving, complex, and totally worth reading IMO
Biribiri, Axalon and Rudy, are behing this release, thank you so much!
Don’t miss the first volume, Story Of The N Situation – Situation 1 Kyouhaku and Matsuri One Shot + Matsuri Zenpen + Matsuri Kouhen.
And now, the download & gallery links 
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(54 MB, 40 pictures, English)
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Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in vertical dimensions varying roughly between 3050 and 3070 px.
The zip shrank from 54 MB to 10 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
I have to agree with the call on this one. This has to be the most realistic NTR I have seen that could happen in real life seeing as this has actually happened in real life before.
A touching story where there was no true evil just two guys in love with one girl but one didn’t have the courage to make a move and the other did.
i pity the childhood friend but 9/10 the person who makes the move and works for something will get it (Unless of course they are in a written world and they are the writers pet)
i don’t know, I don’t really believe the childhood friend even felt anything for the girl other than a close friendship. I mean, if a girl you’ve known forever asks you what you think about the relationship and you like her you either hide it because you’re a coward and say you’re only friends or siblings or jump at the chance and confess.
The CF even says it himself in one of the panels, he hadn’t even called her the entire summer, you don’t go over 3 months without contacting a girl you like no matter how close you think you are. All of that and in the last panel he doesn’t even show a face or loss or even a bit of regret, or maybe he was mature or dumb enough to recognize his loss at that moment and accept it.
Then again, I’ve never been in a situation like that, but in the remote possibility that I find myself in that position I hope I remember Oliver’s advice and go for it, better to live with the certainty of defeat than the remorse of a “what if”, especially with something like love.
-End of rant-
Thanks for the share mr Oli and thanks to Biribiri, Axalon and Rudy fr the share.
The childhood friend was showing his autism levels pretty badly, and he got NTR’d because of it.
I was more annoyed at his failure as a human being more than anything else. But at least there’s no drugging, rape, blackmail or fat, ugly old men in this.
It’s highschool, not like any relationship from then will last.
Some do last.
Last study I read showed that less than 1% of relationships from highschool last more than 5 years. Especially through University.
Situation #2. Is there a situation #1 around?
Honestly, I forgot to search if it existed ^^;;
There is a Situation #1 and a Situation #3, both untranslated. I took a brief look at the raws, and those two look to be more typical rape/blackmail/NTR stories.
It’s kind of sad that I call this a happy ending. Maybe it was because I felt that Kii should have been more proactive. He believed that it was ok for things to just remain the way they are. He was happy with the status quo, leaving her hanging, even though he already realized her feelings, and that was cruel to her. He should have made things clear, he rejects her or accepts her feelings. But he doesn’t, and that pisses me off.
Therefore I like the new BF more because he had courage and guts. He saw an opportunity and confessed his true feelings. He promised to make her happy. And he did.
The girl chose to move on. Sure, she still likes Kii down in her heart, but now she is happy with the BF. She isn’t stuck on the past being emo about Kii.
Truly a happy ending for me. I like sincerity, and both the girl and the BF showed it.
This is not NTR and I wouldn’t even consider it netori IMHO. There was no romantic entanglement, just a sense of loss because he didn’t act quicker and he realized that too late. It is unfortunately part of life in the big city. I would more think about it as “What doesn’t kill you, Makes you stronger.”
I can’t see how this is NTR or netori, since the two childhood friends weren’t dating. Seems like the childhood friend was completely ok with stepping aside anyway…
While I’m happy with the ending, it was a heartbreaking moments reading from page to page. I get it what the authors wanted to convey in the read, it’s a story about a girl who wanted to move on. But i can’t help to feel very bad for sawajima with how she clings to her feelings with kii, especially the last 2 pages..
While the author tries his/her best to tell us about the story about a girl who wanted to move on, the part where she was waiting for a phone call, as if kii decides to call her that time she will left sawajima for him. This left me with a bitter feeling of a rebound, cause I know I’ve been there almost literally.
I was hoping at least 70% of the story would involve her thinking how lucky she is to he fall in love with sawajima instead almost 90% (including the sex) kii eclipsing her mind. So in the end the story MC is Kii and Nazuna while Sawajima being the support characters. Maybe…just maybe if we were to be shown his face, it might have a bigger impact. Ooh well at least that’s how I feel about the story
Story 10/10
Characters 7/10
Art 7/10
Oooh and btw, i think this is not a netori,i always viewed netorare and netori where there’s a couple in it. And indo think N might stands for Nazuka. Cheers!
I see here a case where indecision and feeling that he’s “not worthy” caused the male childhood friend to give up on any possibility of (thank you, TV Tropes) a “relationship upgrade”.
Regarding the suggestion of “NETORI” being in this story, and this is even after browsing Oliver’s Hentai Glossary (see link in upper left-hand portion of page:
Since this is one of those realistic stories, here are my thoughts on it. I didn’t make me rage but I did feel a bit sad. Not due to the fact that the CF didn’t get the girl but because he lost a friend. From my experience friendships with the opposite genders don’t last due to hormones and the girl (or guy) wanting a relationship. Even if they are still on speaking terms it won’t be the same. That’s what I felt bad about the most in this story.
Thinking about the aftermath of what could happen (I’m not saying this will happen, Just a guess) The relationship between the two won’t last long because this girl in particular couldn’t have her CF because of him lacking confidence while not making a move. Which leads to another issue. Since she couldn’t have her CF she appears to be settling for the first nice guy to come along. In other words, she is only interested in the idea of being in a loving relationship, not the person himself. Since she couldn’t have the one she originally had feelings for, now she just wants a relationship to forget about her CF.
That’s pretty sad. A friendship you had your whole life wiped out in an instant just because you didn’t end up together. In this case the girl chose the first nice guy that came along. I have nothing against him or anything. I never could understand how a lifelong friendship could end so easily just because of a relationship.
In short, they won’t last because the girl ONLY appears to want a relationship so she can forget her CF as well as being in love with the idea of being in love. Also the CF did srew up by not calling her for a long time, but if she was that concerned about it why didn’t she call him? Please tell me if I’m missing something here.
The definition of the NTR/Netori/Netorase genre is that it involves the love interest being stolen, I for one am sure that Kii IS in love with Nazuka, just doesnt act on it.
Hence it IS Netori. I have to agree with Lone Virgin though, Nazuka is just settling for Sawajima and is trying to forget, Kii has answered with: Nothing! and that is the problem, she has enough of his indecisiveness and tries to paint it over (the look to the phone) and she forces herself to not look at him and apparently tried to forget him by fucking the whole summer with Sawajima.
I can only feel bad for Sawajima since it will end badly once Kii finally grows a backbone.
Do you also have the translation for situation 1 and 3?