Tamashii Insert (“Soul Insert”) levels 4-5 [English], + the levels 1-2-3-4-5 repacked in another Zip file, by Taniguchi-san
Allright. Brace yourselves.
– Almost a year ago, I shared Tamashi Insert chapters 1-3.
– A very kind person, called AdoldBrix, has taken to translating the chapters 4-5. For this, I am very grateful, thank you
– However, I must strongly warn you: the English is VERY bad. There is no “true” typesetting.
That doesn’t mean I’m not grateful, better a bad version than no version at all, it’s already great from AdolfBrix that he did the best he could, it matters, and it’s cool.
– So, should you download this update ? I say: ONLY if you can tolerate very bad English. Otherwise, no matter how long it takes, you’d better wait, some day, an improved version will come, hopefully.
Oh, and those two new chapters, what are they about ? The male hero has been given a chance to use a phone app to control other women’s mind and “inhabit” their bodies. His total sexual bombshells of a stepsister and stepmother are his toys to play with, and, oh boy, does he play. Morally, this is, erm, weird, but, damn, the art is absolutely awesome
Release credits for the chapters 1-3 are for Chilla of Farhad’s TG Forum, and Jabbany and Dynam, from Jannaby Translations, and for the chapters 4-5, for AdolfBrix, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share, to this day, Kimi-iro Days ~ Onnanoko No Karada Ni Nattara Nani O Suru (188 pictures), Trans-Sexual Fiction – The Girl’s Play – TSF Catalog (182 pictures), Ore Gal No Naka – Swap Party, Master Ga Kiyohime Ni Kigaetara and Kashi Mashi 2.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
And now, the download links.
There are four zips in total.
I share 4 zips. In two pairs.
– First pair, for Tamashii Insert: Levels 4-5 (28 pages). First, the “official” version, and a version that I shrunk to 1600 px, the file size fell from 47 MB to 16 MB, 31 MB smaller!
– Second pair, for my repack of Tamashii Insert levels 12-3-4-5 (80 pages, in names: Level 1: Tutorial, Level 2: Virginity Thief, Level 3: Houkago Nyotai Tour, no particular names for the chapters 4-5).
First, the “official” version, and second, my “made smaller” version (shrinking the images to 1600 px saved us 102 MB, from 149 to 47 MB !)
– Tamashii Insert: levels 4-5!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– Tamashii Insert levels 1-2-3-4-5!
– Fulll-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
This HUGE mass of images, that was an Oliver just giving up on picking favorites
Have you seen this work yet by PeachPulsar?
It’s based off the anime “Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid”. Basically, how it works is that a virus has infected girls, and what it does is that it changes one girl in a pair into a weapon through sexual contact. The anime itself is borderline hentai, but from what I’ve seen, it looks like an interesting watch, ESPECIALLY if it’s uncensored.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this enough to share!
Thanks for the link, John!
I had not seen it, no. However, I must confess I haven’t been impressed. Hardly any visible genitalia, a bit of slit here and there, well, it’s cute to see naked bodies but I felt left for wanting…