Hiyake Musume to Massaajii Oji-san [English], by Fumihiko

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Oh no you don't. FUCKING FACEWALL

Quotation: « I’m going to perform the next massage using my dick. The stuff that comes out of it is necessary for you to become an adult woman. »

All along history, it’s been a frequent way to avoid any guilt and feel allowed to do whatever you want to others, by “de-humanizing” them. They’re not white like me, I can treat them as property. They’re not christians like me, I can enslave them and claim their land. They’re massively not educated, I can segregate them by law.
… she’s a total dumb cow, so it’s okay to turn her into a cup dump and make her netorare the boy with whom she was in love. Same deal.

Let’s add to this the gross blur-mosaics censorship.
We end up with an INFURIATING product, because I would have loved to love it, the art is seriously good and the sex was full of intensity and talent, damn it :wall: :gfy:

Well, thanks to Brolen for this release nonetheless! And to those of you who either love stories like it, or are able to put their feelings aside for porn and who aren’t pussies like me: enjoy! ^^;;

By the same artist, I also share Kuro Gal-chan To Megane-kun. and Boku Ni Dekiru Koto.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(26 MB, 30 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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7 years ago

Plus you know what would happen next don’t you? Either way it is a lost for the main male and a win for the NTR old man.

Why? Because if he does choose to accept her despite all this they will most likely give the Main male a micro dick, so he can’t sate his now sex addicted girlfriend, due to being too small or lacking technique (if he doesn’t have a tiny dick) and she goes back to the NTR slob


he rejects her (which he would be in his every right seeing as he does have a choice in the matter) and she goes back to him anyways.

though I must agree the art is extreme hot.

7 years ago

Unless the boy is the ultimate anti-thesis of Ntr with the skill of a god and the brain of a regular human being . With those two he can make her enjoy sex and maybe give her the self esteem she lack .

John D.
John D.
7 years ago

I don’t get why they never do that though. Why don’t they make hentai where the boy uses his god-like sex skills to repair the mind of a mindbroken/ntr’ed girl over time to counteract this kind of stuff? That’d probably be 10x more entertaining to see then to just constantly see stuff where the main dude gives up on the girl because he has no stones, or indulges on being cucked.

That’s just me though. :/

7 years ago
Reply to  John D.

Believe it or not I did see one story in the past where the main male was able to turn a girl from a whore to a housewife in a situation like this. However stuff like that is extremely rare.

John D.
John D.
7 years ago
Reply to  NTR LOVER

Happen to remember what it was called by chance?

7 years ago

The NTR’d guy got his heart broken (I am assuming he declined her invitation), but sooner or later he’ll find a girl who’s not a cock slut and move on. I always tell myself what this story would be after 1 or more years ahead in the future where the girl is still being treated like a f*ck toy by the scumbag, her enjoying it, but then seeing the guy (if they still living nearby or in the same town) she was crushing on with another girl after having moved on from her. She then comes to the realization that she’s lost everything, she’s just someone’s toy (with an expiring date due to her partner tendencies [this type of criminal is bound to get bored sooner or later… looking for another prey] tossing this girl aside) and unloved.