Gakkou de Seishun 11 [English], by Sansyoku Amido

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Don't tell me that pic doesn't make you want to fap. I wouldn't believe you.

As the title implies, this is a volume 11, so it won’t come as a big surprise that we’re lacking a context. The story starts – really starts – with a highschool girl embarrassed because she has massive lactating breasts even though she’s not pregnant or anything, and a male teacher stops her from going where the boys are going to gangbang her to everyone’s mutual pleasure. The usual blackmail follows, have sex with me instead and I won’t tell, and that’s how the action begins.
I can’t call it rape, I’d be very tempted to call it happy sex, because the girl clearly enjoys being dominated and ordered around when it comes to sex.

Graphically, that’s the best part. Bloomers, admirable huge boobs, a nicely arched back, a splendid ass, and enthusiastic vaginal and paizuri time. Fucking YUM!! :twisted:
This is a Desudesu release, thank you!

By the same artist, known as Otomekibun and Sansyoku Amido, I also share 1/8 Girlfriend (177 pictures), Haru Chichi, Natsu Chichi, Seishun Nikki 3, 4 and 5, the uncensored version of Akaneiro Pool, and Private Love Lesson.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(33 MB, 32 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
8 years ago

^ IIRC, this girl broke in Gakkou de Seishun 4, so it’s not surprising how much her resistance has crumbled since then. :P