Ane Zukushi [English, 196 pictures], by Yuuki Homura

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

I'm a sadist in disguise. This picture, looking fine, right? I chose it because once you look at the hips very closely... imagine her spine... look at her belly... there we are, YOU CANNOT UNSEE IT BITCH, one of the very rare screwups by the mangaka! ^_^

Here is a fine, a great tankoubon, that is at last complete, thanks to the combined efforts of Mintvoid, and of LustyLady00 & BlackRussian from The Lusty Lady Project. Thank you very much! ^_^ I’ll also include my friend Ehud in those thanks, as he gave me the final chapters 5-11, whose release I had not noticed.
(Just to be clear: I was sharing the chapters 1-4 of Ane Zukushi until today. Ehud hit me up with MintVoid’s final chapters 5-11.)

Ane Zukushi is a DELIGHTFUL manga about sisters. Wincest FTW!! Big sister, little sister, pettanko, busty, meek, dominating, tsundere, but in the end, they all have a soft spot for their beloved onii-san and have lots of love to share :)
(Fair disclaimer, two chapters in the end aren’t about sisters but about married life between highschool girls and their young male teacher.)
The drawings are good, with very little censorship, sometimes “only” good (either with average art, or with printing not doing the volumes and contrasts justice), sometimes seriously great, it depends on the chapters. And the censorship? Hah! The censorship is almost invisible, not even getting in the way :twisted:

I hope you may enjoy it! Hardly even censored quality vanilla bursting with WAFF and wincest, that’s too rare =)

By the same artist, to this day, I also share Love Poro Style (203 pictures), Pipiruma (206 pictures), and White Canvas (more ero than pr0n). All of those mangas are made of AWESOME vanilla =)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

I share 2 zips. First: the COMPLETE Ane Zukushi manga. Second: the chapters that I wasn’t sharing yet on Hentairules, the chapters 5-11, add them to the chapters 4-11 that I was already sharing and you got a complete manga.

Ane Zukushi, the complete manga

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(182 MB, 196 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

The collector’s corner: three Yuuki Homura works that I used to share as single stories have now become obsolete, as they belong in the chapters 5-11. Those works are:
In The Country
Onee-chan Trick
School Teacher After

The chapters 5-11
Only download it if you already have the chapters 1-4 from when I shared them, eight months ago, okay?

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(113 MB, 103 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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8 years ago

The Lusty Lady Project still exists? On the other hand, this is quite the vanilla…

8 years ago
Reply to  Devspar_Z

No, It was old work of theirs that was abandoned when the group was forced to disband a couple of years ago. They reformed as Lazarus H.

8 years ago

Thanks for the share! and yes, Lusty still exists, they just closed down their site is all.

8 years ago

The links on the artist’s other work Pipiruma are dead and need renewing.

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
8 years ago

Homura Yuuki is the artist for the currently-running Infinite Stratos manga adaptation, just saying. :D

8 years ago

It would be nice to see some canon IS doujinshi from the Homura’s R Comics circle at C91

6 years ago

Another great share!!