Pack of 2 very NICE hentai works by the mangaka Mikokuno Homare [English, 136 pictures, retouched version]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments


I gathered here two VERY pleasant works by the hentai mangaka Mikokuno Homare.
In both cases, we have two very close youngsters (case one: childhood friends, case 2: brother and sister) who see their “growing more and more intimate” stage not interrupted by a surprise change of sex (case 1: switching bodies, case 2: the man becomes a woman, is briefly both – futa time! – and is back to being a man in the end), courtesy of a naughty and kind angel.

Usually, I feel ill at ease with gender bender. Not managing to really like it, feeling bothered to be presented as “hopefully” arousing a former boy.
This time, there were no such awkward feelings, thanks to the quality storytelling: the characters were loveable, they deeply care about each other while properly understanding each other, the change didn’t mean drama or havoc, and the readers are guaranteed warm and fuzzy feelings, and smiles. Big, big smiles :)

Those two works are:
Iyo to Makoto No Jijou (“Iyo And Makoto’s Situation”)
Yuzu To Takehiko No Jijou (“Yuzu And Takehiko’s Situation”)

Side note: I ran a retouching on those two works. Working on levels, on surfaces, on hints of what was printed on the other side of the pages, and on background pollution. I don’t claim I did great, I had to choose how far to go before it would be too much, but I believe it’s bringing a valuable improvement. Here’s a before/after comparison, the images are best viewed in full-size without fitting-to-screen: beforeafter.

We owe this release to Cygnus, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Osananajimi.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:
Yuzu To Takehiko No Jijou Iyo to Makoto No Jijou

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(297 MB, 136 pictures, English)
A note about the file size: it’s HUGE, but that is because of my retouching in which I went full paranoid and kept bad compression ratios. Originally, before I retouched stuff, it was 134 MB, which was still a lot now that I think of it.)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2866 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 297 MB to 55 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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8 years ago

Yum, futanari. Show me that sexy futa-licious fun! Tomorrow I end a 3 week no-fap, so this is just in time. Thank you Oliver!

8 years ago

Between the 3 weeks of build up and the kegel exercises, that’s about what it felt like. So worth it.

8 years ago
Reply to  HentaiAddict

Let’s all hope and pray that that the planet’s axis doesn’t shift in response to the forthcoming (weird choice of words) “outburst” – wink-wink, nudge-nudge etc.

8 years ago

Both gallery links go to Iyo to Makoto no Jijou.

Which is a really cute/funny story.

8 years ago

Both stories were Cute Enough and full of W.A.F.F. to qualify for this:

5 years ago

I have already downloaded whole shiwasu pack. Than i was surfing for some good and came across some and i was reading your(admin) brief on story and scroll down for review of readers as well, it was all good but suddenly my browser crashed and i it seems i can’t find what i was reading. I know you have lots of stuff to do but if you could suggest some. Hint : i only remember this, you write that mangakas story is very good and you liked it at first read. Someone asked you to upload whole pack of that mangaka too. But i dont seem to find it so i m writing this. Mangakas name may be like some “sen…” or “sean… ” * sorry i dont remember.