C9-26 Jeanne Alter-chan To Maryoku Kyoukyuu (“Mana Transfers With Little Miss Jeanne Alter”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate/Grand Order series, by Crazy9

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

It only feels *that* good when it's more than coitus

With the little I know of the Fate Grand Order sequel to the popular Fate game series (all thanks to the commenters on Hentairules, /gg guys ^^), the women need some kind of link with their masters to sustain energy. And, guess what, in the present share, sex is required to re-establish a broken link. Who would have thought a master would need to have sex with his servant, right? Crazy.

Putting sarcasm aside, this is a GREAT share. With hidden love budding out although being only half-confessed (the man was gentle and full of kindness, enough to break the shell of his female partner who was scarred by very negative experiences of rape earlier in her life), with tolerable amounts of censorship over EXCELLENT drawings, and causing us to sympathize with the characters accepting to take that leap of faith and become one, not only body, but also soul. Oh god, the faces Jeanne makes, her splendid boobs, her meaty body, that was so yummyyyyy :3
Dark Knight is the one who released it, thank you very much! ^_^

For more: check The list of ALL the Crazy9/Ichitaka shares on Hentairules!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

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(41 MB, 28 pictures, English)

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8 years ago

need more Mashu & Jeanne :3