Toshiue-ISM [English, 209 pictures], by Urase Shioji
Awwwww, that was a good tank
Toshiue-ISM is a complete manga made of single unrelated chapters, in which the women are slightly older than their male partner (toshiue ≈ senior, if I’m not mistaken), and everyone is having quality sex with mutual care and liking. There’ll be a few exceptions, a chapter in which the boy is a dominant scumbag, a chapter in which women abuse and try to brainwash, but apart from those exceptions, that’s the deal, both parties like each other, sometimes it’s even love.
The drawings shine with this “good old hentai” quality I love so much, with near invisible censorship, simple faces, good drawings, it was very sweet on the eye. On the menu, mostly, vaginal sex, a bit of paizuri, occasional sexy outfits or lingerie.
We owe this release to Desudesu and Job Truniht, who commissioned him, thank you very much!
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(117 MB, 209 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Recompressed version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ☑ it offers a significant gain, ☑ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes.
The zip shrank from 117 MB to 82 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
New artist for me
Sanks Oliver-san!
Hi, Oliver. I commissioned the whole thing, as you would know if you read my uploader comment on exhentai. You would also know I have another bonus commission from the same artist in the pipeline, so you have that to look forward to. Where do you even find your picks if not from the Source?
If I remember right, Oliver gets most of his stuff from some hentai torrent site. If there is no credit page included in the share itself, then he has no way of knowing where it came from.
I get my stuff from a large variety of sites.
I have a few private sites, a bit like exh but not caring (most likely: not receiving notices at all) to exclude wani and fakku stuff. A few torrent sites focused on tank only. And a large RSS feed of scanlator sites and middle-men sites like my own.
I get that e-h is frequently the first place of release, but I never got used to the ergonomy of the site (I know, matter of tastes, me, I’m always lost) and it requires to have points coming from publishing stuff in there. So I never made it a natural reflex to check creditless stuff at e-h. I usually think of checking, but not always.
Well, I hope I replied properly and didn’t lose focus at some point, I’m having a terribly complicated weeked, sorry if I went astray ^^
Thanks Job for this commission, really I’ll update the post in the next minute to mention you.
Thanks for the explanation, Oliver. I realize that once a scanlation is published and released into the wild, it’s going to be reshared over and over again without any attribution. That’s the way these things go, and one has to learn to live with it. I only commented here because I know you’re a guy who cares about scanlation ethics and painstakingly tries to credit everyone involved, which is an attitude I admire.
I assumed there could be a couple of reasons why you weren’t using the primary source. First is e(x)hentai being blocked for you; wasn’t the case, but I now realize it’s a good reason to always include a credit page or watermark in the release itself.
The other possible reason, I correctly thought, could be the potentially overwhelming nature of e(x)hentai. Without proper settings and filtering, it’s a firehose of content that you’re mostly not going to care about, especially if you’re running a curated, themed aggregator like Hentairules. The user experience can indeed be improved by purchasing various perks with the local pseudo-currency called Hath. Oliver, if you want to try out if these perks would improve the site usability for you, I’ll be glad to give you as much Hath as you need, as I have no use for it.
I’m happy that you liked my commission. My Urase Shioji bonus commission is now out on exhentai, and there’s surely to be more in the future, so stay tuned.
No worries, and don’t bother giving hath points
About e-hentai, I have given up on trying again and again to get used to it. You wrote it well, it’s overwhelming. Most people are happy with it as a nexus, let them be happy with it, while me I’m cool avoiding it when I can avoid it ^^
Hey thanks for the reuploads
It’s hard to keep track on what’s being uploaded, especially how big the net is and how so many sources to get it. I have over 20+ sites to choose from, but yours is the best all these years due to the amazing organization as well as thoughts and previews in each release.
That alone is worth supporting you! It takes time and dedication to put these in EVERY release I’ve seen. Even right now, it took me a couple of hours just to organize my backlog, and I haven’t even gotten some of the new ones that came out recently. I really hope this site goes another 10 years+ or more so!
Thanks again Olvier-san!!
Hugs, prince, hugs
Oliver, try this one: Igyo no Kimi to, it’s recently translated.