Oideyo Mizuryu Kei land The 5th Day [English], by Alice No Takarabako (A.K.A. Mizuryu Kei), + the full repack with ALL the translated Oideyo! volumes
For a change in this Oideyo! series, let us transition from massive orgies to a touch of eastern mystery (spoiler: revelation page #37), a very long teasing followed by sex at last… It was a good change, although lacking in terms of sheer frenzied intensity, haha
In case you’re new to this series, allow me to introduce you to Mizuryu Kei Land, a theme park entirely based on sexual freedom. A place where everyone can have sex with everyone, where there’s no need to pretend, where we can listen to our lowly instincts and fuck like mad. Everyone is respected, nobody is brainwashed (to the contrary, some even understood at last the difference between genuine feelings and mere lust!), and the visitors are responsible adults who will resume being responsible when they leave. See the idea? An awesome park!
We need to make it real, why not Euro-Pornoland France?
And with the new volume, I also share a repack with EVERYTHING available in English, the volumes/Days 1-2-3-5;1.5-3.5.
In all those volumes, the drawings are good, full of freedom and energy, I found myself tolerating the ahegaos, to my surprise. Also, the boys are hunks, it’s not bad. Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it too
These volumes were released by several teams or members, namely: Striborg and Nefarious from Kombini Scans, Happy Merchants, N04H and Herzer, and Mintvoid, An_chan and Neith from Doujins.com. Thank you all!!
For more, see the list of Alice No Takarabako’s (also known as Mizuryu Kei) works on Hentairules…
And now, the download & gallery links
Complete pictures galleries:
Mizuryu Kei Land, 1st Day – Day 1.5 – 2nd Day – 3rd Day – Day 3.5 – Day 5
I share 4 zips. In 2 pairs.
– First pair, for Mizuryu Kei Land: Day 5 (39 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, a version in which I shrunk the images from around 1800 px to 1600 px, the file size fell from 52 MB to 14 MB, 38 MB smaller!
– Second pair, for my repack of Mizuryu Kei Land volumes/days 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 3.5 and 5 (233 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, my “made smaller” version (the images were in various dimensions from 1800 px to slightly above 3000 px, shrinking them to 1600 px saved us 305 MB, from 394 MB to 89 MB!)
– Mizuryu Kei Land: Day 5!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– Mizuryu Kei Land Volumes 1 – 1.5 – 2 – 3 – 3.5 -5!
Fulll-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
No one has translated the 4th Day? It cannot be!
This is some colorful work
Thanks Oliver-san!