Buruman [English, now in an UNCENSORED version!!, 216 pictures], by Blmanian

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

And I'll be crowned King Arthur when I pull back

Sweet news, friends :)
The bloomers-centric and excellent hentai manga called Buruman is now UNCENSORED! :woot:
This is something we owe to Gangstatrad, an operation commitssioned by Brad33, thank you very much! ^_^

A note, about the file sizes: I got the manga as a 476 MB behemoth. I allowed myself to recompress the images, with a compression ratio so gentle you won’t notice any difference to the naked eye. Resulting in a .zip now only 137 MB large, hopefully, it will be less of a burden to leech :)

(And now, lazy as I am, I copy-paste the description I wrote for the still-censored version of Buruman ^^)
Imagine a Japanese person speaking. Bloomers > “booroo” > “buru”. Buruman. I’m ashamed to confess it took me 3 minutes to make the connection ^^;;

Graphically, oh YEAH ! Buruman is made of awesome materials, many girls having hardcore sex (oral, vaginal, sometimes DP), many of them with tanned skin, and their faces convey intense ecstatic expressions of pleasure. Their breasts aren’t unnaturally large, their bodies are mostly realistic too, it felt really good to the eye.
Scenario-wise, the chapters are unrelated single stories, the two thirds of it are happy sex with either mutual love or liking with kinda bland storylines (except for Patty the American, that one was fun ^__^), the last third is either imposed or rape sex, sigh. I’m already in the process of forgetting the bad chapters to only remember the good ones, TBH.

Credits for this visual porn nugget are for Krizalid, once again doing an excellent work, thank you, and now to Brad33 and Gangstatrad! ^.^ (I’ll also mention Krizalid is accepting donations…)

By the same artist, I also share the awesome a pack of 3 works (Kan Ochi + Seishokusha No Sei + Takeshiryuu Shin Kenpou Gaiden Yurika Ikimasu 1-2), Fumi Fumi Fukujuu Meirei, Beropi (“Tongue piercing”), Black Community Service, Sakura Motto H Mo Ganbaru, Sakura H Mo Ganbaru and Gyaru Katekyo Maji Mawaii.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(137 MB, 216 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2000 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 137 MB (and, originally as I downloaded it myself, 476 MB ^^) to 80 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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John D.
John D.
7 years ago

Funny enough, I just found this yesterday through the Random Share. XD

At least this means I won’t have to hurt my head trying to find it again. ;)

7 years ago

This is good :D

Thanks Oliver-san!!

7 years ago

First story is clearly a hentai version of the sports manga by a certain japanese mangaka, going by the name of – well, Adachi Mitsuru. It has an old-style ’80 or ’90 vibe, you don’t see references to cell phones or other digital age related stuff. All that’s missing is the ” we definitely will go to Koshien(*)” catch phrase.

(*) Japanese baseball school team national tournament

7 years ago

It dosent let me download it keeps saying i need to wait 60 sec twice and after second i dont get a download button.