Ofupako Chuui [English], by Fukumaaya
You don’t need to look like a slut to enjoy acting like one when the time is right. As a teen, I used to fantasm hard on girls that made some extra effort to drive us men crazy, with slutty behaviours or very revealing clothes (although to be frank I would fantasize on every woman anyway – late bloomer here). And then came adulthood, when you realize every woman can be an amazing sex hound in private, no matter how respectable or childish she looks.
It’s… it’s fucking awesome and liberating, to realize it.
Back to this share. An internet date delivers a disappointment, a girl that’s chubby, looks shy, and has a childlike face.
… Some misunderstandings clearing later, the male MC is having the fuck of the year, lol.
So, there you go. Good enough drawings, a feeling of “liberating” sex, glasses and big boobs fetish, a plump body to either love or tolerate, and very little censorship. Enjoy! ^_^
And thanks to H-Konbini for this release!
By the same artist, I also share Onee-chan No Uragao, Oyatsu No Ato De, Kazizaki Fitness, Uiuishii Imouto (Uncensored version), Overrunner and Ari No Mama Kyouiku.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(10 MB, 21 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Plump body to love or tolerate? Oliver, my friend, I’m sure that you must realize… fat bottom girls make this rocking world go round.
Someone just convinced me to append something at the bottom of this blog post.
Wasn’t me (at least not this time).
Je suis pas trop orienté super chubby de base, mais je dois avouer que tu as raison sur le coup. Y’a toujours moyen de se rendre sexy. Son caractère a fait pencher la balance. Merci d’avoir partagé
I’m not really into fat chubby to begin with, but I have to say, you were right about it. You can always be sexy. Her character tilted the balance in her favor. Thanks for sharing
Damn, the picture you picked is actually my fetish… nothing beat a girl looking up at you while she is giving a blowjob.