Tsuma To Charao Ga Kieta NTR Bedroom + its bonus sequel: Tsuma To Charao Ga Kieta NTR Bedroom Kahitsu Ban [English], by Arakureta Monotachi (AKA Arakure)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

At least it's hot

It’s not often that we come by good netorare hentai. That doesn’t go too far, or not far enough, that achieves just the proper balance of ingredients to make us either rage or jizz our pants (depending on your tastes, me, option 1.)
Tsuma To Charao Ga Kieta NTR Bedroom is one of those good rare works :)

The story is about a wife forced to have sex with her husband’s boss, a fucken playboy with a rotten personality but also a huge dick and godlike technique with women, who enjoys corrupting people. The woman will never manage to forget, quite possibly become pregnant, and the husband will be humiliated and forced to listen. (They never go for a kitchen knife, a baseball bat or a shovel in times like these, sigh.)
Let’s add the fine quality of the drawings, detailed, explicit, showing tons of skill and lots of care.

Biribiri and Axalon are behind this very good – in its own niche! – release, thank you!
–Update: a new edition of the book has been printed, called a “Kahitsuban”, kinda like a reprint as I understood it. It came with corrections, reedits, and we went from 38 to 63 pages, which is nice :twisted: Still, a negative note, the image resolution fell, from 3617 px to 1864 px. This new version is courtesy of Hzqr and Anonymous, thank you too! :)

By the same artist, called Arakure and Arakureta Monotachi, I also share Hitozuma To NTR volumes 1-3 (137 pictures, Uncensored version!), Taifuu Ikka, a pack of 2 works (Hitozuma Wa 2-do Okasareru + Minami-san Wa Osake Ni Yowai), and – I’m not 100% sure it’s the same artist, but chances are it is – Prison Rape.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(43 MB, 63 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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7 years ago

Arakure replace orcs and men pigs with fat men, bald men and old mens than rape womens. Not so much change.

7 years ago

Can U Share Nana to Kaoru Please ?
I’ve heard it’s completed.

Thanks you.

7 years ago

Thanks for the amazing share Oliver-san!!

7 years ago

I have to agree with Oliver here the MC going for a kitchen knife, a baseball bat or a shovel wouldn’t deter this title from being a NTR inn fact by going for a weapon it would give the story author a more credibility… let’s me explain… the writer can make the wimpy MC have a little of backbone without disrupting his story let me be honest here unless the MC get a gun (most unlikely Japan gun restriction), going with MC looks he would not do damage to those guys especially the Big-guy so going for a knife will make a logical decision; a husband trying to defend his wife, house & honor (it is japan, were honor is everything) but failing because he lack the skills. Getting an @ss whooping thus making her wife comply because she loves her husband and she doesn’t want him beat-up or dead… then because of that treat/event that transpired she ends with a severe mind-break accepting all of the bad guys and being okay with having another man baby inside of her. (having the same result a powerless guy got her wife stolen by animalistic sex)…

I’m not trying to make the author write a story for my likings, that is not my point… my point is that injecting a little bit of real life decisions wouldn’t hurt his work (on the contrary he/she will gain respect for deviating from the generic AF norm) and will make it far more enjoyable (people need their hand to fap but because some are doing a facepalm most don’t get the chance to use them for what we planned at the begging) XD

Superb art!

6 years ago

Makes Nero look like a nice guy.