Watashi No, Onii-chan volumes 1-4 + Watashi No, Kareshi-kun [English, 136 pictures], a yandere hentai pack by the mangaka Ties
N04h, Herzer and Markumarkythethird, thanks for this, released upon us this yandere series in which a sister successfully steals her brother from his girlfriend. Basically, she exploited his psychological lack of strength and instilled mental domination, repeatidly having sex with him behind the GF’s back, verbally abusing him, and pushing him into pits of self-loathing for (factually, it’s true) being a piece of shit human. The little devil even managed to mentally break the girlfriend too.
This is sick. This is corrupt. It sucks. This is good yandere.
Graphically, it’s hardly worth more than a “meh”, I feel. I care very little for pettankos, and even less when it’s from a story in which I’d want to give every of the 3 characters a high five in the face with a metal chair. But, heh, if YOU like it, go ahead and read it, no worries ^^
A now usual note about the file sizes, I don’t feel good about mangas taking so much space on our hard disks, not when it can be avoided. I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the full-resolution pictures in this share. No difference at all to the naked eye. But a total zip size that shrunk from 539 MB, initially, to 193 MB, now. I don’t know, I may be biased, but five short volumes, half a gigabyte? It felt wrong to me.
And now, the download & gallery links
Complete pictures galleries: Watashi No,…
Kareshi-kun, Onii-chan… Vol. 1 – Vol. 2 – Vol. 3 – Vol. 4
Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(193 MB, 136 pictures, English)
As I wrote above, it “should” have been 539 MB large, if I kept the images as I found them. I allowed myself to run a very slight recompression, not causing changes visible to the naked eye, and tadaaaa, now it’s 193 MB.
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. The original images were in 3000 px high res, save for the Kareshi-kun volume, with slightly bigger pics between 3010 and 3020 px.
The zip shrank from 193 MB to 62 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
If I may add something.
Why wasn’t that written on one of the ten commandments ?
Screw the second commandment against idolatry, let’s put that instead !
I happened to stumble across Volume 4 … “imouto” claims she even has their parents’ approval.
Go figure what form of blackmail or mindfuck she used to obtain their green light. Brrr.
Site where the original image is now listed as a potential hazardous site. Here’s the same image from a more trusted location:
Just another reason you can’t judge a book by the cover. Before I knew what it was, I thought it was a cute imouto story . . . .
Stick to cute imouto stories like “Imouto no Otetsudai”
This girl must be a student of Yuno Gasai! Patron Goddess of Yanderes everywhere!.
Yandere at its finest + a little help(?) from pathetic, Onii-san… but that is not the issue here. The real question here is… How she “convinced” parents?