Yuri-nee To No Shujuu Kankei (“Master And Slave Relationship With Yuri-nee”) [English], by Bifidus
It’s a relatively average release compared to other works by Bifidus, I think, but it’s not bad either. The gist: a brother and sister have been in a wincest relation for a long time, always the elder sister gently dominating, until the sister realizes she’ll be past her prime eventually, and plans to marry. The ending was relatively anticlimatic and realistic, they agree to still fuck each other’s brains out behind the future husband’s back.
Good art, though, with little censorship. Bonus kudos if you dig thighhighs.
Squinty, Danky, Kit, Rin, Penny, Jaysee, Ziru and Q, from Redlantern Scanlation, are behind this release. Thank you!
BTW, I saved it as a “fuck you anatomy” bonus, did you notice? ^^
EDIT: good news, this share has become obsolete. It now belongs in a complete volume, a 214 pages long tank called Kimi O Sasou Uzuki Ana
Looks more like two different perspectives than a anatomy mess up, the top part is from the sister’s perspective and the bottom from the brother’s perspective.