Onikko Bitch [English], by Yukiusagi
Some of you may want to blame me for falling into the “boys can’t be raped” debate trap: I’m not going to tag this share as a rape manga, even though it’s about a man bound and forced to have sex. I can’t really explain, I just don’t feel it went that way, and I have no intention to try and elaborate
The story: a cute female horny oni (OK, I confess, I totally wanted to make that awful pun the second I read the title) sets her sight on a male human. She uses her magical powers to immobilize him and make him steel hard, denies him cumming repeatidly, uses her magic to renew his virility beyond normal human limits, and all along, it’s cheerful sex.
The girl’s got a cute face, thick eyebrows, a confident smile, and a splendid ass, enjoy! :3
Onikko Bitch has been scanlated by Drai123456, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Kami-sama No Osasoi, Patchou Milk, DeliHeal Devil and Ikinuki Lunatic Time.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(21 MB, 20 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Hey everyone
You're reading a post I prepared, and scheduled, in advance. At the present time, I'm somewhere in the middle of nowhere in France with my wife and kids, on holidays.
I hope the post isn't broken or anything, but if I screwed up for some reason... what can I do, deal with it
Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of July, and meet you back on Monday the 31st! :-)
I see it like this; if women can have their 50 shades, where their female stand-in is dominated and technically raped by a “man”, then I think there should be nothing wrong with having a manga made by men for men where the man is completely and utterly dominated by a powerful woman if that gets some guy’s rocks off. You know, as long as they all understand that it’s a fantasy that probably shouldn’t ever be replicated in real life.
I mean… I never understood the whole cuckolding thing either, but if it gets SOMEone’s rocks off, who am I to complain?
It’s the titles where men make a manga where a woman is raped into kingdom come, or vice versa genderwise, that I start having problems with it, because the tone in those tend to be highly malicious and unhealthy.
I wonder where Oni get all this cool stuff from. It doesn’t look hand-made or anything. Do they just walk into town and go to the local store?
Oni: Hey, shopkeeper, here’s a fresh bear that I tore in half lengthwise, want to buy it?
Clerk: Sure! You want goods or money?
Oni: Let me have a pad of Post-its so I can make magic charms and a magic marker (get it?) Oh! And a giant rope that I can tie around my waist, so people will know I’m an Oni. I’ll take the rest in horn wax.