Ikkyuu Nyuukon (“Only My Oppai Soul”) [English, 237 pictures], by Goban

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

Oh my god, those boobs.

Well, hello guys, first post since I’m back from holidays :)
I couldn’t spend a lot of time on hentai shares since my return, I have other things to do, but at least allow me to share the most brilliant release done in my absence (I’ve got 3 other volumes almost ready to share for tomorrow), this complete tankoubon by Goban, displaying absolutely amazing boob action :twisted:
As a Tits VS Asses poll showed, boobs are vastly popular, even more than butts, so: enjoy! ^_^

Ikkyuu Nyuukon‘s main story arc is Twin Ball Love Attack, in which a highschool boy is blessed with the luck of being blackmailed (no drama, mere comic relief) into being the center of a harem of busty volleyball players. You’ll have bloomers, bikinis, nanobikinis, tsundere, vanilla, domination, a cheerleader outfit, those girls and boys having casual uncomplicated sex: tons of paizuris, quality vaginal sex, drawn with sweet talent :)

Credits are for DerEX, Mikocon, DarkMac, Axalon, Wayne and CellTF, also to Salar from Hentaicore (scanning the tank) and Dynellen (commissioning of the scanning). Thank you very much, I am most grateful for all you guys did! :)

By the same artist, I also share Chichi Iro Toiki (198 pictures), Zettai Nyuuki (“Absolute Breast Kingdom”, 201 pictures), and Renai Katekyo + Secret Study

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(306 MB, 237 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to slightly recompress the images in that zip. Originally, it would have been a 486 MB zip file. You won’t be able to notice a single difference with the naked eye, but now it’s 180 less megabytes to download :)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Three past shares of mine are now part of this tank, so you may remove them from your collections on your disk, they are:
Please Kiss Me
Love Cheering (plus, when I shared it, it was scanned from super-censored magazine scans, the tank version is much better)
Twin Ball Love Attack 1-5 (more win for you: the chapters 1-4, when I shared them, were based on heavily censored magazine scans; unsurprisingly: the newer tank scans only show very little censorship, so it’s a net improvement)

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 306 MB to 108 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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7 years ago

Welcome back, and thanks for the share.

7 years ago

Likewise, welcome back.

The (ahem) “proportions” of most if not all ladies in this tank might be marvelous for, er … research (i.e., fantasizing) purposes, but, as IIRC, some of stated about one or more works by Okumoto Yuuta (also posted here), they may prove to be more of a nuisance in the future.


Still, link has been bookmarked for inevitable download.

7 years ago

Goban has used Happy Sex and Godly Boobs!
It’s super effective!

John D.
John D.
7 years ago

Hey, welcome back, Oliver!

I hope that this isn’t a bad time to ask, but do you happen to have a bit of time to hear me out on some updates and some recommendations in these comments?

Otherwise, is there a better way to recommend stuff to you (via e-mail, Twitter, etc)?

7 years ago

Welcome back! Thanks for the share and for small version :twisted:

Stalker Fairy
Stalker Fairy
7 years ago

Twin Ball Love needs one more chapter.
One thing I noticed the tank did was give main(best) girl Kaori more moments(though admittingly did change the storyline flow alittle) but not enough for a proper conclusion

7 years ago

Hi Oliver, welcome back.

I haven’t gotten any RSS feed updates since the Onikko Bitch post on July 19th.
Have you changed something in the settings?

7 years ago

I use feedly and I got the same problem, realized that a few days ago.
I forced-refreshed it but I got nothing. Well, I figured you would sort this out when you’d be back. No worries.

7 years ago

This looks like a job, for Supertits!