Ikkyuu Nyuukon (“Only My Oppai Soul”) [English, 237 pictures], by Goban
Well, hello guys, first post since I’m back from holidays
I couldn’t spend a lot of time on hentai shares since my return, I have other things to do, but at least allow me to share the most brilliant release done in my absence (I’ve got 3 other volumes almost ready to share for tomorrow), this complete tankoubon by Goban, displaying absolutely amazing boob action
As a Tits VS Asses poll showed, boobs are vastly popular, even more than butts, so: enjoy! ^_^
Ikkyuu Nyuukon‘s main story arc is Twin Ball Love Attack, in which a highschool boy is blessed with the luck of being blackmailed (no drama, mere comic relief) into being the center of a harem of busty volleyball players. You’ll have bloomers, bikinis, nanobikinis, tsundere, vanilla, domination, a cheerleader outfit, those girls and boys having casual uncomplicated sex: tons of paizuris, quality vaginal sex, drawn with sweet talent
Credits are for DerEX, Mikocon, DarkMac, Axalon, Wayne and CellTF, also to Salar from Hentaicore (scanning the tank) and Dynellen (commissioning of the scanning). Thank you very much, I am most grateful for all you guys did!
By the same artist, I also share Chichi Iro Toiki (198 pictures), Zettai Nyuuki (“Absolute Breast Kingdom”, 201 pictures), and Renai Katekyo + Secret Study
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(306 MB, 237 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to slightly recompress the images in that zip. Originally, it would have been a 486 MB zip file. You won’t be able to notice a single difference with the naked eye, but now it’s 180 less megabytes to download
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Three past shares of mine are now part of this tank, so you may remove them from your collections on your disk, they are:
– Please Kiss Me
– Love Cheering (plus, when I shared it, it was scanned from super-censored magazine scans, the tank version is much better)
– Twin Ball Love Attack 1-5 (more win for you: the chapters 1-4, when I shared them, were based on heavily censored magazine scans; unsurprisingly: the newer tank scans only show very little censorship, so it’s a net improvement)
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 306 MB to 108 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Welcome back, and thanks for the share.
Likewise, welcome back.
The (ahem) “proportions” of most if not all ladies in this tank might be marvelous for, er … research (i.e., fantasizing) purposes, but, as IIRC, some of stated about one or more works by Okumoto Yuuta (also posted here), they may prove to be more of a nuisance in the future.
Still, link has been bookmarked for inevitable download.
Goban has used Happy Sex and Godly Boobs!
It’s super effective!
Hey, welcome back, Oliver!
I hope that this isn’t a bad time to ask, but do you happen to have a bit of time to hear me out on some updates and some recommendations in these comments?
Otherwise, is there a better way to recommend stuff to you (via e-mail, Twitter, etc)?
Hey John
For this, I would recommend twitter direct messages, it has a lower chance of being lost or – my #1 flaw – totally forgotten in the next hour. And don’t hesitate pinging me when I still forget about it -_-
Welcome back! Thanks for the share and for small version
Twin Ball Love needs one more chapter.
One thing I noticed the tank did was give main(best) girl Kaori more moments(though admittingly did change the storyline flow alittle) but not enough for a proper conclusion
Hi Oliver, welcome back.
I haven’t gotten any RSS feed updates since the Onikko Bitch post on July 19th.
Have you changed something in the settings?
Something broke while I was on holidays, and when I came back it was a nightmare to find the rss feed only worked when loaded in a web browser that remembered my blog admin login, but would be otherwise unreachable for the rest of the world.
No idea how it happened, why it happened, and what it exactly consisted in even now.
To make it more complicated, there are four caching systems between the “real” feed and what visitors may get: server’s apache, blog plugin cache, cloudflare cdn, and browser cache. Meaning that when I was doing attempts to fix the situation, I couldn’t be entirely sure I would be seeing the real /feed/ in which changes from my attempts were propagated, instead of an obsolete cached version.
I finally isolated the problem and, without understanding how and why, I kinda circumvented it, the feed works again now.
That said, and I have no idea why again, if you use a feed reader such as netvibes or theoldreader, you will have to force-refresh the feed of hentairules once, to have it working again. Once again, no idea why, sorry -_-
I use feedly and I got the same problem, realized that a few days ago.
I forced-refreshed it but I got nothing. Well, I figured you would sort this out when you’d be back. No worries.
What creeped me out was the forced refresh I had to perform once within theoldreader: wtf, isn’t that precisely what an RSS feed is about T__T
Just in case, feedly reflects the new post of last evening, right? Right?
I’m sharing kanojo de ippai 3 tonight, please, if it doesn’t show in my rss as loaded by feedly, let me know ^^
This looks like a job, for Supertits!