Ari No Mama O Aishite (“Loving You As You Are”) [English], by Kumano Tooru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Haaa, that proud smile, and those nice lively tits! :D

Just as in Ruitomo, my previous share by Kumano Tooru, we deal with a young adult who has grown used to being unable to form bonds with the other persons around, and tries not to resent it too much… until a miraculous other human arrives, and helps open the shell, let us say ^^
Here, a lovely cutie with an adorable smile allows an introvert to open himself to love and to social relations, after heart-warming sex :)

Thanks a LOT to NecroManCr for this one! ^_^

By the same artist, I also share Gaman Dekinai, Ato Ippo No Kyorikan, a pack of 2 works (Shippai Wa Seikou No Moto + Watashi Ga Suki Na Hito), Motto Shitai No, Like The Snow, Okashi Na Kankei, Okujou School Date, Ruitomo, Otonari-sanTsutaetai Kotoba, The Tasks Of A Zoo, Oniai, Joubutsu Shimashi and Mind If I Make You Take Care Of Me.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

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7 years ago

If a cute girl came on to me like that, my mind would be blown too. Just like this guy. She’s seriously cute.

7 years ago